When all is Said and Done

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~Final chapter, thanks for sticking with me this far, hope you enjoy!!~

"Oh my gosh! Slender, come look at this." The girl picked up the old book, brushing off the dust and opening it to it's most recent entry.

About a month later, after my parents and brothers had gotten back from their respective holidays and visits, I was sitting in my lounge room. My family was out shopping and I'd opted to stay home, Slender came over and we'd decided to watch movies until they got back. We spent the whole time cuddling and it was the best feeling in the entire world.

The next day was a Saturday, Slender (in human form) came over while everyone was home and I introduced him to my family. He was perfectly polite, and my parents loved him instantly. It was quite sweet to watch him talk with my parents and attempt to 'hang out' with my siblings. It was also really embarrassing to have to listen to my Mum gush about him and tease me after he'd left.

A year later, I'd graduated from school, and Slender and I were still together. Virus and BEN finally got together, and Jeff couldn't have cared less. I still saw everyone, and we were all still friends, and it was brilliant. A small selection of my human friends had met Slender and his group of misfits, and they got along fairly well.

6 months after that, I moved out, into the Slender mansion of corse, with plans to stay there forever. So, of corse, this would mean eventually becoming a proxy. It was scary to think about it, I will admit, but eventually we both came to the conclusion that I'd age normally for a couple of decades, before 'moving to the other side of the world' together. Proxies get to manipulate their form after all. (A/N: don't know or care if this is right)

At human age 41, it finally happened. After going through all the weird rituals and such, I successfully became a proxy. My hair turned about three shades darker then it was before and my eyes gained a (silver/gold) glow to them. Slender's mark, the one that he'd put on me all those years ago, grew and engulfed the entire surface of my arm. I was transformed back to my 21 year old self, as it was the most logical age to me. Luckily, my powers were similar to Slender's, giving me the ability to change my form, fly (or float cause I can't go to high) and telekinesis, which was pretty awesome. The ability to change form was defiantly the most helpful because it meant I could still visit my family.

But thats all the news I have for now, I have to go anyway. So, bye, I guess?

- (First and Last Name)

The girl closed the book with a smile on her face.

"Naomi!! Come have a look what mummy found!!" A little girl, with white hair and big (e/c) eyes came running up to her. She picked the little girl up and held her in her arms. A hand was placed softly on her back and she looked up to see a faceless man in a suit looking down at her, his expression so easy to read after all these years. She smiled up at him before giving her daughter a wide grin.

"Would you like to hear a story?!"

"Yeah, yeah!!"

"Ok Princess, the story is about how two people, from separate worlds found that they loved each other more then anything in the world, and how they met. It goes like this..."

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