Back in the Game

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Your p.o.v

We landed in a room made of tin and metal. It was rusted and only had a few things in the room; a bed, couch, table and three chairs, TV and a dresser; all of which looked old and used. A doorway led to another smaller room, which I presumed to be a bathroom.

"AHHHHH!!! Home SWEET home." The voice beside me said. I turned to face Jeff. Jeff the Killer. Crap. I was in his house. For the first time I noticed the scattered knives and stray axes laying about the house. Feeling the hand slip from my waist, I jumped towards the closest weapon. An axe.

"Whoa there girly! I'm not gonna kill ya!!" He said. "God, if I wanted to do that then I would have done so right away!" I looked at him skeptically, realizing the truth in his words, but not so stupid as to believe him right away. I cautiously lowered the axe and stood in a less defensive position, but never dropping my guard. He smirked at me and looked me over.

"Your not half bad girly. What's your name anyway?" I stood my ground and attempted not to stutter.

"(F/N) (L/N)" I said. "Your's is Jeff right?" His eyes widened and he smiled wide.

"Oh ho ho, girly knows me huh? That's right, Jeff the Killer, at your service." He said with an overly dramatic bow. I laughed a little bit and he stood back up.

"You know I already knew that, I said it earlier." He smirked. "So why'd you kidnap me anyway?" I said relaxing a little. I couldn't feel any malicious intent coming from him anyway.

"AHH! The million dollar question huh?" He said. "His brother's asked me to do it." My eyes widened in shock.


"Well they figured if he cared about you, he'd try to get you back. If he didn't, well, then he didn't. But don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. If he doesn't end up coming you can stay here or go back home or whatever." He said quite plainly. "But you know, he won't be able to find us too soon anyway. Not even with that mark thingy. HEY!!! You want one from me?!?!" He said loudly.

"Want one what?"

"A mark stupid." He answered bluntly. "I get the feeling that he's gonna come for you, and once Slendyman get's a hold of something he likes he doesn't let go too easy. Plus, I reckon your gonna be around a while. So you want one??" He said excited. I shrugged.

"Sure, why not. Wait, does it mark me as yours or whatever?" I didn't want to be tied to anyone else, it sucked enough being bound to Slenderman. He laughed.

"Is that what he told you?!? The mark's don't bind you to us, it just mark's you as ours." I looked at him confused.

"That's the same thing isn't it?"

"Not really. Look the mark basically means the other 'Creepypasta's' can't harm you, cause your under the protection of the one who give's you the mark. But you gotta know it doesn't make you invincible, they can still hurt you, just they'll feel the wrath of whoever marked you. It also serves as a tracking device, Slenderman can only teleport to you because he has that power, anyone who doesn't has to physically walk or run to you." I looked at him awestruck.

"Well that was good to know" I thought.

"So how 'bout it? You want another one?" He said. I thought about it for a bit.

"My mum's gonna kill me for this, but, sure. Like you said, I'll probably be around for a while, so under one condition." He looked at me quizzically. "You be my friend from now on K?" I smiled at him. He laughed.

"Sure, weird girl, friends. So where you want it?"

"Back of my right shoulder please." I answered smiling.

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