Get in Bitch, We're Going Shopping

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(F/N) P.o.v

It's one thing to go shopping alone or with your friends and family, but it's another to go with a bunch of serial killers, homicidal maniacs and your new-found boyfriend.

"Jeff! I told you to get your filthy hands away from Virus!!!"

"Oh yeah!? Well maybe she WANTS my 'filthy' hands near her!!"

"She does not!! Tell him sweetie!"

"He's not bothering me BEN."

"Haha!! Told you!"


"Sally, this would look super cute on you. Here, go try it on."

"Only if you try this one!!!"

"Are you kidding?? Here, you try this one and you this. They'll look so much better."

"No one asked you Trender!!"

"Offender!! Stop molesting the poor mannequins. They are much too cute for your hands."

"Oh shut it. At least I'm not touching people this time."

"You shouldn't be touching ANYONE!!"

I sighed, smiling a little. I hadn't had a large number of friends over my life, I had a few really close ones, but it's nice to hang out with other people every now and then.

Perhaps I could introduce my friends to these guys?

I looked back over at Offender perving on everything he could get his hands on with Splendor trying to stop him, Jane beating Trender with her bag and Sally laughing and Jeff being yelled at by BEN while Virus walked along next to them.

... maybe not.

I heard a chuckle beside me and looked up at Slenderman. He was looking down at me with a amused smile on his face.

"What?" I asked worried.

"Oh, nothing darling. Just, you seem so at home here somehow. Most people would at least feel a little uncomfortable hanging out with a group such as this. The most I can tell, which is a lot, the only thing you seem to be is a little shy. Which, by the way, is very cute." A light blush spread across my face and Slendy smiled again. The smile was true, genuine and gave me butterflies, my blush going crazy. Something brushed against my hand and I looked down at it. Slender's hand was slowly intertwining with mine and, nervously, I linked our fingers together, but looked at the ground and walked a little faster. I could hear him chuckle behind me but walk along with my pace.

During the day, I grew to be very close to all the people in our group. Jane and Trender helped me pick out about a million clothes to try on, and somehow, managed to buy and pay for most of it. A couple of the shops we went to came up and started fawning over Trender. As it turned out, he owned most of the fashion franchise's, making millions on clothes alone.

Offender did eventually stop trying to 'come on' to everything and everyone in site and he and Splendor spent a lot of their time talking with me, showing me things they liked and pointing out all the people that were either really cute or attractive.

Sally and I spent some time together looking at toys, movies and other kids things, buying a few to watch and play with later, after Jane made her promise not to hurt me.

BEN, Jeff and Virus were really funny to watch. Jeff took every opportunity to annoy the other boy, Virus being the main point of it all. She and I had a few conversations about them, tuns out she did like BEN but found it amusing to watch him try. She didn't talk much and at points it seemed like she would 'glitch' and static noises could be faintly heard, but other then that she was quite nice.

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