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Your Pov

I woke up curled up with my head resting on Slendermans chest. I didn't flinch away or panic and forget where I was because it just felt... right. It felt like I was ment to be here. Like we were made to fit together. It felt nice.

"Awake huh?" I heard him mumble into my hair.

"Mm-hm. Morning." I smiled up at my Slendy. His face moved so it looked like he was smiling back. It made me want to cuddle up to him more and spend the day lazing around in bed. But fate *cough his brothers and co. cough* had other ideas.

"(F/N)!!! WAKE UP!!" Splendor burst into the room followed by Trendor and Offender. When they registered the position their brother and I were in, each changed their expression. Splendor looked very shocked, Trendor looked unshaken but intrigued and Offender looked... well... you can probably guess how he looks right now...

"Uh... m-morning." I mumbled out, my face bright red. I could hear (and feel) Slenderman chuckle above me. His arms were still around me and he lent on the pillow propped up behind him. I was still cuddling up to him quite comfortable but now feeling a little awkward with his brothers staring at us. Offender had begun advancing on us but was quickly stopped by Slender slapping him, in an almost comedic fashion, across the room. Splendor and Trendor where still standing still a few feet from the bed.

"Well I can see you two are enjoying yourselves so I'll take these two back downstairs, but we have plans for today so I expect you both down in at least an hour." Trendor said dragging a beaten Offender and stuttering Splendor out of the room.

After the door was closed I let out a small breath of relief and relaxed a bit.

"Are my brothers really that scary?" I heard Slender say.

"Hm? No not really... just..."

"Go on." He said while moving my body so it sat on his lap, my knees on either side of him.

"It was just a little embarrassing." I said, blushing at the closness of our faces. He chuckled again and I felt him touch his 'lips' to my forehead. The feeling reminded me of what happened the previous night and I blushed again.

"S-so are w-we.. are w-we.. um.. are we g-going out n-now or something?" My voice came out shaky and nervous while my face adapted to the colour of strawberries. Slenderman smirked and placed butterfly kisses on my face, purposely avoiding my lips.

"That, my dear, depends on you."


"Yes, you." He said moving closer with every passing second. "Do you want to 'go out' or not?" I nodded my head faster then I should have and he laughed.

"Well then, Miss (F/N) (L/N). Will you do me the extreme honor of becoming my girlfriend?"

Not being able to contain the joy, I leapt on him and hugged him with all my might.

"I would love to."


Ahh~ I would love to have a relationship like this... it's so cute!!

Anyway, sorry for the really short chapter, I wanted to get this out... please look forward to a day shopping and hanging out next time ♡

- Georgie

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