A Binding Mark

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  • Dedicated to Amy Read

Your P.O.V

I went about my usual morning routine, having breakfast and getting dressed, though I felt a little uncomfortable doing so as I felt like someone was watching me. It was a Tuesday but I didn't have school because it was the holidays, however I did have work later today, but that wasn't till 5pm. After the morning interactions, aka, saying good morning and eating, I went back to my room to spend the day in lovely solitude.

“I don’t understand” A voice behind me said.

“AHH!!!” I screamed as I turned towards the voice. Slender was back… I guess this just PROVES it wasn’t a dream then.

“No it was not a dream. But back to what I was saying… I don’t understand you. You beg for your family’s life and not your own and yet, wish to spend minimal amount’s of time with them? Why?”

“… wait how did you know I was thinking that?” I questioned, sure I had not spoken out loud.

“I can read minds, yours is particularly easy since we are connected, now, answer my question.”

“… um, well, I do love my family but, I don’t want to spend every minute with them… my Mum pesters me a bit about boys and stuff, Dad is at work most of the time and he’s a little irritating sometimes and my brothers are just plain annoying.”

“Then why do you love them?! If they are so irritating them why protect them? Do you not wish they were gone? Then you would have no one to annoy you!!” His voice grew louder then his usual calm, almost monotone thoughts. I huffed in annoyance.

“No I do NOT wish them gone! I love my family. They are very important to me. Just because someone an annoys you a little does not mean you should get rid of them! Plus I know for a fact that I annoy them too, but they still love me!”

“… you are an incredibly strange human. I don’t think that anyone has ever yelled at me like that before.” This caused me to pout at him, still slightly angry.

“Well maybe someone should.” And with that I successfully ignored him for the rest of the day, well, mostly…

Slender P.O.V

(F/n) was a very strange human. I had never met anyone like her. She back-chatted to a monster, not afraid or even thinking of what I might do to her. She was completely protective of her family, yet wished to spend the least amount of time with them that she could. She was strangely brave, yet scared out of her mind every time I spoke to her. She was intriguing, like no human had interested me before.

I liked watching her. I liked watching her draw, write, stretch, yawn, blink, move. I liked the way her eyelashes fluttered when she began to feel tired, the way her mouth took shape when she smiled. Even the smallest of things amazed me in some way. I believe that humans would call this type of emotion love, however I am a monster, a demon of darkness, and so, I know better, I know this is not love, only curiosity, a little game I have never played. I am certain this is not love, it is simply a game … right, just a game…

Your P.O.V

Slender got on my nerves a little, especially as he could hear my every thought. Do you know how hard it is not to think? Every time I got annoyed at him for looking over my shoulder at everything or sticking to close to me, he simply read my mind and chuckled to himself telling me, “I won’t stop anytime soon, child, you’re mine, and I will do as I like.” ARGHH!! It was so irritating! I told him he could follow me around all day, but I wanted him to leave me alone at work and then he could do whatever he wished afterwards as well. He seemed to think it over for a brief moment before leaning down and looking me in the eye.

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