Headed to New Places

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Your P.O.V

I woke up feeling warmer than usual,  but also safe. My eyes opened slowly,  still heavy from sleep. The first thing I noticed was that, even though my eyes were open, I could only see black. The second thing was the pressure wrapped around my body. I soon figured out the pressure was in fact somebody's arms.

I began to recall the events from the previous night and began shaking a little. Almost instantly, the arms around me moved a bit so they were holding me closer.

"Good morning child. Are you alright?"

Slender's voice echoed through my mind.

"I-I'm fine, thank you. Oh, and good morning to you too!" I said whilst looking up at the blank face before me. The corners of where his mouth should be moved a little, indicating that he was smiling back.

It didn't seem as though he would let me go anytime soon, so I got comfy again and just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard my name being called.

"(F/n)!!" My Mum's voice called. "Come on get up! I need to talk to you!!" I sighed and began to sit up, Slender's long arms loosened a bit allowing my escape. If I started talking to him now, my Mum might hear and think I'm going crazy.

Slender! I'm sorry but could you please leave for a second, I have to get changed.

"I guess I could. But it would be so much more entertaining for me to stay here."

I blushed bright red as he chuckled.

"Of course child. I will see you in a moment."  He said before disappearing.

Slender? Your not still here are you? No reply. I took that as a good sign and began to get dressed in my pale (f/c) sun dress and (f/c) shorts. After I had gotten dressed I headed out of my room to see if Slenderman was waiting outside my door. He wasn’t there so I continued on to find my Mum. She was in the kitchen when we saw each other.

“Morning Mum.”

“Morning dear, now I have to talk to you.” I nodded at her, signalling for her to continue. “Right, now, your father and I are going on a short holiday and we won’t be taking you or your brothers. So, the boys will be at a friends house but you will need to figure out you own mean of housing.”

“How long will you be going for?”

“Two nights”

“Oh, okay… when are you leaving?”

“Umm… in about an hour.”

“WHAT!? Oh my gosh, I have to go get ready!!!”

I ran back into my room, only to find Slender waiting for me. I nearly ran strait into him, but luckily, he caught me before I could hit him or fall over, holding me upright and surprisingly close to his chest.

“Uh thank you…” I said, my voice a little quiet. He leaned down and I noticed he had changed into his human form. A smirk was placed across his perfect face, his eyes almost sparkling with mischief as he bent down to my eye level.

“Your very welcome my child. By the way, I heard what your mother said, and you can stay with me and my brothers over the time your parents will be away for.” They way he said it made it sound more like an order than a suggestion.

“Your brothers? … Will they… will they like me?” His laugh echoed in my ears.

“You are certainly the most entertaining human I have ever met. Well, Trender would certainly like you, if your clothing is anything to go by, Splendor likes any one as long as they are happy or adorable, so you have that one covered.” I blushed. “And Offender, well, I promise I’ll protect you from him.”

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