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(F/N) P.O.V

I had ended up shooing Slender out of my room, preparing to get dressed. Not really knowing where we were going or what the plans were for the day, I went with a simple but stylish outfit, that showed of my boyish side a bit.

I had on my favorite skinny jeans, a comfy but girly top and converse on with a jacket tied around my waist. My hair was in a simple piggy tail letting a few strands hang over my face. Lip gloss and mascara were the only makeup I put on before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs to the lounge room.

In the room stood nine people, three girls and the rest of them male. I recognised Slenderman straight away and quickly figured out that the brightly coloured brunet was Splendorman, the long, grey-haired man was Offender and the stylish looking brunet was Trender.

I looked around the room some more, spotting someone that looked just like Jeff, only without the cuts and with the eyelids. Next to him was a boy about the same age as him who looked remarkably like BEN but less dead and more casual, wearing a green top and brown jeans with a normal looking green beanie and converse on. He was speaking to a girl with pure white hair other then a purple streak in her fringe and a purple and white dress.

Standing in a corner was a girl who looked like she could be Jeff's sister. She wore a simple white dress and a black hoodie left open at the zip with black converse. Next to her was a little girl with long brown hair and a frilly pink dress. She looked like a doll. Slenderman spotted me and made his way over.

"Hello my darling." He said making no effort to keep his voice down. I blushed a little when I realised he had called me darling instead of child.

"H-hello Slendy. Who are all these people?" I replied pointing to everyone except his brothers.

"It would seem that we will be going shopping today. Jeff had been invited but went around telling everyone about today." I nodded my head and he continued. "Everyone," he said raising his voice. "This is (F/n, my girlfriend." At his words, my face flushed and I turned to him panicked. There was a small silence before an erupter of cheering and wolf whistles. I blushed again and hid further into Slenderman's side.

"Don't be shy, go on, introduce yourself." He said nudging me towards the crowd like a child.

"Hello, my name is (F/n) (L/n). I am (age) and very happy to meet you all." I said, very proud of myself for not stuttering. The girl with black hair came up first.

"Nice to meet you (F/n), I'm Jane, and before you ask, no, I am not related to the idiot over there." She said with a smile. The little girl she was standing with came up next.

"Hi! I'm Sally, will you play with me?"

"Sure I'd-"

"NO!!" Jane screamed. "Sally, what did I tell you? You can't play with this one, she's special!" The little girl pouted and looked up at me.

"Sorry Miss (F/n). Maybe we can play together when you die?" She said merrily before skipping away.

"Don't worry about her. You can look up her page later." Jane said before walking after the small girl. The next people that came up to me was the BEN lookalike and the girl with white hair.

"Hey, I'm BEN and this is Virus." He said pointing to the girl beside him. "Hello." She said in a polite, ladylike voice, holding a static to it. Her pupils were shaped like lightning bolts, one was yellow while the other purple.

"Your eyes are so cool!" I exclaimed, before covering my mouth with my hands. "I'm sorry." But she merely laughed.

"That's okay, but thank you. People usually get freaked out by them."

"Hey girly pay attention to me!" A voice said from behind me. I was randomly hugged from behind, arms draped over my shoulders and hair tickled my neck.

"J-jeff, what are you doing?"

"Hey, I apologised to BENny boy over here. Praise me." He said sounding like a stubborn child. I smiled at him and turned around.

"Good boy." I said patting his head like a puppy. Jeff blushed and looked like he was going to whack my hand away but something in him fought against it. I giggled at him and stopped patting, partially trying to save his pride and partially because I could feel Slenderman step closer to pick me up.

"Well now that you've all met my (F/n), would you like to tell us what we're doing today?" Trenderman piped up remembering his plans.

"We thought we could go shopping and get lunch." My eyes lit up at the idea.

"That sounds fun!"/"That's a terrible idea." Slender and I said at the same time. I turned to look at him.

"Why's it a bad idea?"

Slenderman's P.OV

"Why's it a bad idea?" I looked down at the eyes sparkling with innocence looking up at me.

"It just, ah... wouldn't you rather do something else?"

"Not really, I think it would be fun to go shopping with everyone." She said looking a little hurt. "Don't you think so Slendy?" I thought hard about my answer before nodding my head.

"Sure, sounds great. Do you have everything?"

"Mmhm!" She replied, her eyes sparkling.

"Are you sure?"

"Yup! See I've got it all h- oh." She said looking into her bag. "I forgot my phone, be back in a sec." I put her down and listened to her stepping up the stairs. When I heard her reach her door I turned back to the group.

"None of you are to do any of your usual 'shopping' or 'lunch plans' you understand?" The group nodded their heads and smirked.

"What is it?" BEN and Jeff answered.

"You're so cute 'Slendy', trying to protect your lamb."

"No, we wouldn't dare do anything to taint her innocence." The group chuckled to themselves and I stood there fuming.

"I swear if any of you touch one hair on her -"

"I'm back! What did I miss?" Her chirpy voice rang in my ears instantly snapping me back to normal.

"Nothing, my dear. Did you find it?"

"No, I must have left it at home."

"Is this it?" I said handing her the phone I'd pulled from her bag. Her eyes lit up again.

"That's it!! Thank you." And all of a sudden, her arms were around my waist, hugging me tightly. She pulled away and looked to the group of assorted monsters.

"Are we ready to go?"


Hiya! How are we all. Hope you're all having a great day/night/week/life. I know I promised shopping this chapter but please bare with me for one more. Shopping will come next chapter. I personally am loving over protective Slendy, he's so cute!! Please don't hesitate to comment and tell me your ideas and feelings toward the story and if theres any plot hole that need fixing ♡

Til next time - Georgie

Ps: Virus is my oc and is dating BEN (according to him)

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