My Demon

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HI HI!! Guess who's back from the dead!  Sorry I was gone for so long, schools been hard, but hopefully I'll get myself to be more active :)

The blue haired boy was walking through the forest, humming a small tune. There had been rumors of mystical creatures in this forest, and the young scientist wanted to find them. He took a drink out of his water bottle, and let's out a sigh. Hes been here for a while now and hasn't found anything. It was also starting to get dark out. He was thinking of giving up looking, and just assumed the whole thing was a lie. He turns to walk back, when a crunch was heard behind him, he swiftly turns around, to see a black creature, with black horns, a black halo, and black wings. At first Skeppy was stunned, as was the creature. The scientist then took a small step towards the..demon..? And it instantly spred its wings and flew off. At first, Skeppy was shocked, but shortly after he became angry. He just saw a creature that could make him rich, and he just lost it. But he now knew that, there truly was, amazing creatures in this forest. He decided he would stay, and see if he can find the demon or any other creatures.

Skeppy walks around the forest, not finding much but pretty butterflies (i am actually terrified of butterflies🧍‍♀️) Suddenly, the sound of wings, and walking surrounded him. Skeppy quickly flicked on a flashlight and looked around him. There were eyes everywhere. Then each and every pair of eyes suddenly shot towards him, and he felt many, sharp pokes, and bites all over his skin. He let out a shreek of pain. He started to feel dizzy, the last thing he felt was all the creatures stopping, and a pair of arms wrapping around his body.

Skeppy awoke and looked around. He seemed to be in some sort of cave, it was quite clean though, yet dark. He groans, having a bitter taste lingering in his mouth. 'Where are am?' The scientist questioned to himself. Footsteps could be heard approaching, and the boy panicked. He found himself staring into the face of the one and only black demon from before. "H-hello" The demon studdered out, giving Skeppy a shock. 'This things speaks English?' "M-me Bad..Badboyhalo" The demon pointed at himself. 'Kinda' "H-hi, I'm S-skeppy" Skeppy responded. "Geppy? Geppy Bads friend?" "Its Skeppy, and I don't know.." Skeppy shifted his eyes from the demon. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around him. "Geppy and Bad friends!" The demon spoke with excitement and cheer. Skeppy stiffled a laugh. "So, what happened? How did I get here?" Skeppy questioned. "W-well, Bad was f-flying around when B-bad saw some demons h-hurting G-geppy, so Bad helped Geppy a-and brought him back to Bads h-home!" Bad explained cheerfully. "What w-was Geppy doing out here? I-its dangerous for h-humans" Bad asked. Skeppy didn't dare say why he was here, he didn't have the heart to tell the sweet demon, he had to think up a quick lie. "I..uh I heard stories about the forests beauty and I had to explore it!" Skeppy said holding in a breath. Bad stared at him for a second, then smiled. "Okay!"

Skeppy and Bad stayed up, talking about who knows what, when Skeppy finally realizes that he may have taken a small liking to Bad. But if he wanted to be friends or whatever with him, he'd have to tell him the truth. "Hey Bad.." Skeppy said softly. "Hmm?" Bad hummed in response. "I uh..IFeelLikeINeedToTellYouThatIOriganlyCameHereToCaptureOneOfYouAndTakeYouBackToALabAndSellYouOrExperiment" Skeppy said it all in one quick panicked breath. He looked to Bad who stared for a second, then started to giggle. "Bad knows Geppy! But Bad saw that Geppy would have a change of heart!" Skeppy stared at the demon amazed. "How did you-" "Bad is a demon remember? Bad knows a lot of stuff!" "I think you're right..I did have a change in heart.."

~1 year later~

"Geppy! Are you ready?" Bad yelled through the cave. "Yup! Coming!" Skeppy ran out of his bedroom with his pair of fake electronic wings, he made himself. He grabbed the hand of his demon boyfriend, as they jumped into the air, and went to fly around the forest together.

A/N: Hi! Again, finally back ahaha. I missed you all! I'm so sorry for being gone! I hope you enjoyed this, I wrote it in a rush and very late at night, so it's probably bad. I'm also sorry its short :( Love you all, bye! :D

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