"Because im jealous!"

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T/W: Bullying, swearing

Zak was never the jealous type. Never until he met Darryl. When Zak met Darryl, he instantly fell under his spell. From his hair to his little botton nose, he was perfect. But, Zak didnt know how to tell Darryl, or even talk to the boy. So he never did. And he hated it, oh how he hated it. He hated seeing the boy giggling with his friends. He hated seeing him getting called on by the teacher, getting every question right. So, it resulted in bullying. Zak didnt know what else to do, this was his only way to interact with the boy.

"Hey! Loser!" Zak exclaims at Darryl. Darryl looked over at Zak and instantly cowered. He turns around and starts walking away from Zak as quick as possible. Zak chuckled and ran after the boy, grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him up against the lockers. "I was talking to you little B*tch" Darryls eyes widen and he looks away from Zak. Zak rolls his eyes and grabs Darryls chin, forcing him to look at him. Darryl whimpers, looking into Zaks eyes. "Scared?" Zak smirks. He laughs coldly at the terrified boy. "W-why?" He mumbles. "What? Speak up you little b*tch." Zak spits. "W-why do y-you d-do this? W-what did I-I do to you?" Darryl asks. This took Zak by surprise. He wasn't expecting this. "I.." Zak trails off. He suddenly pulls Darryl away from the locker and throws him on the ground. "F*ck off." He mumbles walking away. Darryl stares at him, astonished. No punch? No kick? Nothing? Why had his mood changed so fast? So many questions swirled around Darryls head. He gets up off the floor and waddles his way into class. He looks around the room and sees Zak. He was sitting in his chair, he looked very upset. All throughout class, Darryl kept looking at Zak. He was obviously confused about the boy. "Darryl. Darryl!" Yells the voice of his teacher. Darryls eyes shoot to the teacher "Huh?" He asks. "I said what is ______" (I don't know what question to put😅) "oh um.." Darry trailed off, shifting his eyes away from the teachers gaze. "I expect you to pay attention in my class Darryl." She says sharply. He nods quickly and stares up at the whiteboard. Though his mind didn't focus on the work at all.

After that, the day went by fairly easy. It was weird for Darryl, it made him paranoid honestly. Zak hadn't said anything to him at all. Not since morning. Darryl turned every corner with caution in fear of Zak being there. But nothing. Nothing ever happened.

Finally, school ended and Darryls terrified worry was over. He walks out of school and walks home, where he was greeted by his mother. She stood in the kitchen "Hi Love! How was school?" She asked. She didnt know about the bullying. "It was..good" he replied. "That's good! Here!" She turns around from the counter and hands a Darryl a muffin. "Your favorite" she smiles. The boys eyes light up and he quickly hugs his Mom. "Thank you Mom! Your the best!" He exclaims. She hugs him back and smiles. "Your welcome" she reaponds. Darryl starts to walk upstairs to his room; then turns around. "Love you Mom" he smiles. She smiles back warmly. "I love you too." Darryl once again turns around and heads up to his room, and works on his homework.

Once Darryl has finished his homework, it was pretty late. 12:33 to be exact. He decided he wanted to go to sleep, but his brain said otherwise. His brain didnt want to sleep. So he sat there awake for a bit, when he decided to go clear his mind. Darryl got out of bed and wrote a note on a little sticky note.

Went on a walk, be back soon
-Love Darryl♡

He stuck the note to the front door and walked outside. He felt the rush of cold air hit his face. He smiled at the feeling and closes the front door. He starts to walk away, not quite sure where. Just wherever his feet took him. And he eventually arrived at a park. It was late so nobody was there. He went over to the small playground and sat on a swing, wrapping one arm around the chain. He looked down at the ground, softly pushing himself with his feet. He then heard a noise and looked up. There was a person sitting on the monkey bars, staring at him. Darryl jumped and looked at the person. Blinking to adjust his vision. "Hello..?" He said softly. The person suddenly jumped off the monkey bars and walked towards him. Now Darryl could get a better look at the person. They were short, had black hair, and dark skin. Darryl then realised who it was and jumped off the swing, backing away. "Chill, I'm not gonna hurt you." Zak spoke. "H-huh?" Darryl asks cautiously. "Look...I'm sorry.." Zak said. "Wha-" darryl was extremely confused, but listened never the less. "I don't wanna bully you..I just.." he trailed off. "Then..why do you..?" Darryl squeaked. "B-because I'm jealous! Okay?!" Zak yells, causing Darryl to jump and stumble backwards. "Of what..?" "Of you! Of your friends! Your social skills! I can't even get the nerve to talk to you without being a total jerk! Look, I wanna be friends Darryl! I always have! But I'm scared. Scared of rejection! Of annoying you, or my friends leaving me! I don't know what to do!" Darryl stands there shocked. He didn't know what he expected, but it definitely wasnt this. "Sorry..got a little carried away..I'll go now.." Zak said "No wait!" Darryl said grabbing Zaks wrist and pulling him back. "I'm glad you told me this. Zak, why didn't you say this a long time ago?" He asked. "I..I didn't know how" he mumbles. "Well, let's not worry about it now! Were both happier this way" Darryl smiles. Zak stares at Darryl in shock. "You..dont hate me..?" He asks. "No? Why would I?" Darryl responds. "I-" Zak cuts himself of and starts to chuckle. "Your so adorable" he said to Darryl. "Wha-"

~One Year Later~

"Kiss! Kiss!" Chanted the room around them. They boys look at each other. Zak smirks and pulls Darryl close, capturing the brunettes lips with his own. Causing the room around them, filled with their friends, to cheer. They pull away, Zak smiles. Darryl on the other hand looks completely dazed. "Zak...me..kiss" he said, causing everyone to roar with laughter. He was so confused. A little bit ago, Darryl walked into the room, and the word 'kiss' started chanting around him. You know the rest.

A/N: finally I post a new one. Sorry it took so long, I've been struggling with schoolwork so I dont have a lot of time to write, but I'm trying :) Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! I'm always here for suggestions. Love you Muffins, bye! <3

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