Blind to Her own Beauty

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I finally got this out! But its only part one, sorry. Anyways, genderbent characters, and tysm to PurpledXBedWars for the idea!

T//W: ED, Alcohol

Darryl: Delilah
Zak: Zara
Quackity/Alex: Alexa
Karl: Kara
Nick: Niki

Delilah never thought to much about her appearance. Yes, she tried to look nice, but she didnt worry to much about how she looked. That was until one day. One day, she was getting ready for bed, changing her shirt, when she
looked at herself in the mirror. "What the.." She stares at her body in disbelief. ' this what I look like? Is this how others see me? Like..this..?' She asked herself. Looking at herself honestly wanted to make her throw up. She had acne on her face, her glasses didn't seem to fit right, her stomach wasn't ideal size, she didn't seem to be able to find, well anything, good about her appearance. She was gorgeous yes, but she was blind to her own beauty. All she saw was imperfections. So, she started to make changes.

Small changes at first, starting by having a healthier breakfast and working out once a week. But it slowly turned to no more breakfast and working out 3 days a week for an hour and a half. Then eventually, lunch was bumped off the list and working out daily. She didn't think it was unhealthy. She thought she was fine. She didn't see much of a change in her body though, but trust me there was one. None of her friends noticed either, probably because of the baggy hoodies and the fact that they were always distracted.

"Hey Delilah! Would you wanna come hang out tonight? Nicki, Alexa, Kara and I are all going!" Zara asks her friend. Delilah was skeptical, but Zara convinced her to go. They finish making plans and might have aciddently had a conversation for awhile about who knows what.
The girls arrive at the club (bar? Party? Idk I'm underage😶) and walk in.
Delilah looks around her anxiously. There were so many people here. Its was like Zara could read her mind because her friend suddenly put her hand on her shoulder and looks at her. "Hey..its gonna be okay, loosen up a bit and you'll have fun" Zara smiles, making Delilah smile back weakly.

They spend a few hours there, and surprisingly Delilah got drunk, she didn't mean to of course, she just kinda got caught up in everyone and it just happened. She looked around her and spotted Kara and stumbled over to her. "Hey Delilah! How are you doing?" She said happily. Delilah giggled. "iM doINg GreAT" She hiccuped, giggling some more. "Delilah..are you drunk?" Kara asked sound slightly surprised. What? Nooo!" She giggled once again. "Uh huh, do you see the other three?" Kara asked. Delilah looked around and saw Zara and Niki talking. She pointed at the two. "ObeR theRe!" She said giggling, walking over to the two quickly. "Woah, slow down Delilah I want you to stay with me" Said Kara grabbing her hand and walking with her over to the others. "Oh thank gosh you two found me, you need to help me get Niki and Alexa out to the car so we can get home, Delilah can you drive?" Zara asked. Delilah only giggled. "Yeah trust me she can't" Said Kara. Delilah pulls out of Karas hand, Kara quickly trying to grab it again, but Delilah quickly wrapped her arms around Zara, hugging her. Zara hugged her friend back, and instantly felt sick. She looked up to Kara with worry washed all over her face. "What?" Kara asked. Zara looked at Delilah, then back up to Kara. "I'll tell you later, for now let's get everyone to the car." Zara said, pulling Delilah away and grabbing her hand. "Were gonna go home now, okay?" Zara said to Delilah. Delilah nodded and hiccuped. "Hey hey, Delilah guess what" Said Niki giggling, obviously drunk as well. "What?" Delilah said giggling too. Niki told a joke, that made zero sense, but the two started laughing nevertheless. Kara grabbed Nikis hand and started to walk with her, Zara and Delilah following them. "Have you guys seen Alexa?" Kara asked. "No" Zara replied.

Eventually they found Alexa, sitting outside, crying for no reason other then the fact that she was intoxicated.

They get into the car, Kara driving, Zara in the passenger seat and the three drunk ones in the back seat, all asleep on eachother. "So Zara..what happened earlier?" Kara asked. "Oh..well when I was hugging Delilah, I was able to feel her spine, like, a lot." Kara looked at Zara, a look a worry on her face. "I don't wanna disrespect her privacy, but do you think it would be bad to just lift up her shirt slightly and check her stomach and body?" Kara asked. Zara thought for a moment. "I mean, if we just look at her stomach and back, it wouldn't be too bad.." Kara nodded, i mean, they were only doing it for her health.

They arrive at Kara's and Alexas shared home. "You guys can all stay here for the night, you and Delilah can stay in the guest room, Niki and Alexa can stay in Alexas room.

They got the three inside into the rooms. Delilah was alseep on the bed, and Zara walked up to her. She took a deep breath, and lifted her shirt up. Delilahs ribs were, visibly showing, so was her spine. Zara felt sick to her stomach. How did she not notice this before? How long as this been going on? Zara came to the conclusion that she would just go to sleep and talk to Delilah in the morning.

Delilah woke up with a splitting headache, groaning. She sat up and looked around her. Where was she? She stood up and walked out of the room. She saw Zara and Kara talking on the couch. "Guys?" She said. Both of them turned to her. "Good Morning Delilah, how are you feeling?" Kara asked. "Horrible, this headache is killing me." Delilah groaned. "How about I get you some medicine and then we have something to talk about.." Kara said. Delilah was confused but nodded.

Kara got her medicine and went to sit down at the couch. "So..last night..I saw something Delilah.." Zara said. Delilah tilted her head, before she realized. Was she talking about was she thought she was talking about? Delilah gulped. "I..felt your stomach and..have you been..?" Delilahs heart dropped.

HI HI! I'm so so sorry this took so long to get out D: I've been very overwhelmed with school lately, but I'm trying to write more. Ik this is trash but its midnight and I'm tired😀Don't really have much to say other then part two should be out hopefully soon, love you all!

P.s, if you ever feel like your body isn't beautiful, trust me it is. All body types, races, genders, sexualitys(except animesexual, dreamsexual, dracosexual, ect. That's just mocking the LGBTQ+ community.) and religions, are beautiful and don't doubt that! Remember that Love!

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