"I miss you so much."

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So Rylie and Bug are gonna be in here, but this has no relation to the Christmas/Holiday story :) Just felt like adding them
T/W: Death

Darryl was always scared of violence and death. He almost cried at the thought of losing his best friend, so when Zak told him he wanted to go to war, Darryl was sent to an immediate breakdown, he tried to convince Zak that it was a bad idea, and Darryl couldn't live without him. Yet, Zak still wanted to go, so he did.

Darryl sat up in his bed, and rubbed his eyes. He looked at his clock, for it to say 11:48am. He groans and lies back down on his bed. The boy forces himself out of bed and into the kitchen, where he made himself a cup of coffee. He opens the fridge to see what he had. "I need to go grocery shopping.." He mumbles. Darryl walks into his messy bedroom and changes into a pair of sweatpants, and a hoodie and walks out to his car.

Darryl arrives at the store and walks in. He starts searching for the things he needs, when his name is called. He turns around and sees one of his friends, Rylie. "Darryl? How are you? Nobody hasn't really heard from you since..y'know.." Rylie spoke as her girlfriend, Bug (Or Makayla) comes walking towards them from another isle. "Rylie i can't find the- oh my goodness Hi Darryl!" "Hi.." Darryl said quietly. Bug looks at him sympathetically, then gives him a hug. "I have no idea how hard it could be for you, but I know you'll make it through this." She said softly. Darryl only nods his head. "Hey I gotta go, but it was nice seeing you guys" He said, before turning around and walking off.

Darryl arrived at his house and put everything in their desired places before going to his room. He sits himself on his bed and leans back against the headboard. The boy turns his head to the left, to his bedside table, and sighs. He shakily reached out and grabbed the photo of the table. It was a framed photo of him and Zak. Zak was laughing while Darryl was yelling at him. The photo was previously taken by their friend Arran. Darryl brings the photo up to his chest and hugs it. "I miss you.." Darryl mutters to the photo.

Around 7pm, Darryl decides to make dinner. He makes himself some spaghetti. He sat at the table and it suddenly felt very empty in the small house. It seemed too big. He felt alone.

Darryl finished dinner, washed his plate, and decided on going for a little walk.

He walks out the house and starts walking to a specific location, something clenched in his hands. He walks slowly down the street, until he finally made it to his destination.

Darryl walks into the large cemetery and looks for the grave of his best friend.

He finds it and sits down right next to it, setting the rose in his hands right onto the grave. "Hi Zak.." He said softly. "I got out of the house today!.....I went grocery shopping, and ate dinner. I saw Rylie and Bug at the store today too! They seemed happy...I really did so much today, well from what i usually do, but I can't help from feeling...well..empty, I guess. Yknow what I mean? Of course you do....." He pauses for around a minute, just breathing. "Zak you're an idiot. Why'd you have to go.. Its so hard without you. I miss you so much." A rush of cold air suddenly engulfs the boy, sending a chill down his spine, and with that cold gush of wind, also came a leaf. Nothing to special of course. Its just the fact that it landed perfectly in his lap, and the fact that the lines on the leaf, looked a lot like the letter Z. Darryl smiled at the leaf. "I can't wait to see you again..but until then..ill stay strong. For you. Because I know you would do the same."

A/N: I'm sorry this is so short! I'm very tired rn and I've rly been struggling with school :( I'm also sorry how sad this was, but I tried to keep it kinda sweet. By the way, this wasn't meant as offense to anyone who works in military, id like to thank everyone who goes and risks their lives, and you never have to feel bad for leaving your loved ones. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this trash :) Ily and have a great day my loves!

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