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Both of the teens leaned back, smiling brightly at each other with loving eyes.However they couldn't hide their red cherry cheeks as they both chuckled in embarrassment. Suddenly something cold flew right onto Y/N's nose as Ni-Ki carefully wiped it away.

„It's snowing!" Ni-Ki said exited like a small child, making the girl chuckle at his cuteness. And the young boy was right, it was the first snow for both of them together and in the year.
But the poor Y/N was freezing, because she didn't wear thick clothes which the tall boy beside her noticed.

„Here" He gave his coat to the surprised girl as she refused to take it. She didn't want Ni-Ki to freeze that's why she declined, however he didn't stop until she took it. The girl was a blushing mess as the japanese boy ruffled her hair, finding her adorable and laughed it away as the teens called Jungwon and headed to the place.

                            {time skip}

Both of them headed to the place but not a single soul was seen as they confusedly looked at each other.

„Where—argh!" Ni-Ki yelled, wiping the cold snow from his neck.

„That's for stealing my best friend!" Dahyun stuck out her tongue as the japanese boy rolled his eyes, making everyone laugh.

„Did you guys confess to each other though?" Daniel asked as they both blushed while the group of teens smirked.

On the way to Ni-Ki's home, the friends kept teasing the two love birds, resulting to Y/N being shy and embarrassed while hiding behind her lover boy's arm as the group of teens laughed at seeing them all shy.

It continued to snow, but the friends finally arrived at Ni-Ki's home and drank all hot chocolates. The plan still went on just with a small change as they all secretly got ready while Y/N didn't know anything and just stayed with Dahyun,the time everyone disappeared. Soon the charters and laughs were replaced with only the two girls speaking as Y/N found it too suspicious. After all they weren't officially a couple.

„Where did everyone go?" Y/N asked while Dahyun cluelessly shrugged her shoulders, however Y/N knew that Dahyun and the friends had plans. After all they all met before she even arrived at his house, and also Y/N didn't tell anyone about the bus incident, she only wanted to tell it to her closest friends.

„Shouldn't we look for them?" The young girl got up, resulting the best friend to hold her wrist as she confusedly looked at her.

„I am sure that they are watching a game" Dahyun nervously chuckled, finally letting go off her best friend as she took it as a chance and just ran while yelling „I want to play too!".

„I tried" Dahyun sighed while following her running best friend. But luck was on her side as Daniel texted at the right timing.

„Looks like I did a good job" She chuckled.

Y/N stepped into Ni-Ki's room which was dark as she confusedly waited besides the doorframe. Not a single soul was heard, even though Dahyun told her that the boys were playing video games. Everything seemed suspicious to her as suddenly the lights went on, startling the poor girl. But she immediately smiled seeing the beautiful decorated room. LED Lights in light blue, white and dark blue hung around the room while the room was decorated with dark blue roses and lots of ballongs with different colors while the friends wore party head as Y/N laughed.

„Party heads? Really?" She laughed while the boys smiled widely just like Dahyun who stood behind her. No one could describe her happiness as she ran to her lover boy's warm embrace while everyone cheered for them.

The meaningful hug didn't last long as Ni-Ki leaned back for the most important.

„Y/N my love, will you be my girlfriend?" He smiled brightly, showing of his gummy smile and the soft side of him. The cheering got louder and wilder with each second that passed as Y/N returned the bright smile while nodding. With that Ni-Ki embraced her yet again in a comfortable and warm hug as he gave her a quick peck, making the crowd go „oouuuhhh" as the friends teased the newly fresh couple.

„I have always dreamed of talking to you, but being together with you is even better" Y/N joked, squeezing the taller one's cheeks.

„And my dream of you finally became reality" Ni-Ki squeezed her soft cheeks back, resulting the couple to laugh.

„I have seen enough" Junghwan awkwardly coughed.

„Whatever you say" Dahyun chuckled.

From admiring from afar, you now became my star- cherry :)
This was admiring from afar guys! Thank you so much for all the support,comments, votes and love I have received from you! Thanks for staying till the end and I am also very proud of our Ni-Ki who always works hard for engenes!
Don't forget to vote roty for Enhypen! This book came to and end and I will surely miss it but new stories will come soon! Right now, my Jungwon book still continues and I am also planning to write an epilogue! Thank you so much again!



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