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Day 2:

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Day 2:

„Let's get ice cream!" Ni-Ki dragged the young girl with him, who almost fell because it was all of sudden. She wanted to tell him to take it slow, but soon the tall boy started to run, which made it even more difficult.

After a few minutes they arrived at a ice Café and the young boy finally let go and they both panted, taking big breathes and trying to calm down.

Y/N rolled her eyes, as Ni-Ki shrugged it off and both of them started to order. Luckily it was great weather that day. Warm but not too warm and perfect for ice cream. Y/N chose strawberry ice while Ni-Ki chose Chocolate. They thanked the man and left the place and headed to the park.

„It's just as sweet as you" He said, as the short girl chocked on her ice cream.

„W-What?" She mentally face palmed herself for stuttering, while her face heated up, earning a chuckle from Ni-Ki as he shook his head and shrugged it off.

The girl was indeed confused at the sudden „flirt" from the young boy since he never did it and it was actually the first time, seeing „that" side from Ni-Ki. She sure got flustered but shrugged is off.

„Anyways...how is Junghwan doing?" He asked as Y/N slowly looked at him from the side.

„Well...I don't really know either. I just hope that he is okay and comes back" She quietly murmured, but it wasn't too quiet for Ni-Ki. The tall boy gently patted the girl beside him on her shoulder, flashing her a reassuring smile as she returned the same.

They spend the rest of the day together and mostly just speaking and enjoying the time.

Day 3:

The teens sadly couldn't meet together because Y/N had a doctor appointment. Waiting for hours, it was finally her turn and she caught a cold,which wasn't a big deal, but she still wanted to be careful around her friends, because she wanted to protect them.

After the appointment she got home and did her homework and watched her favorite series as Ni-Ki called her.

„Hey, how are you? What did the doctor say?" He asked. Of course he was a bit nervous and hoped that it wasn't something serious as he heard a chuckle.

„Hey, what's so funny! I am being serio—"

„Ni-Ki, I am fine! Don't worry too much, also I won't attend school tomorro—"

„You are leaving me alone?!"

„You have your friends, you idiot"

„Fair enough"

They talked and talked,completely forgetting about the time, which didn't really matter for them because just of hearing each other's voices, they felt a strong connection.

Laughing, cringing, fake crying, they spoke about the most random topics as they laughed uncontrollably. A little later,the teens had to end the call, because Ni-Ki still had school.

After the call ended, everything went quiet again and there she was again,laying on her bed while staring at the ceiling and then realization hit her.

She was much closer with a boy she randomly ran after than her own family. Her family consistswith her both parents, who are always busy with work and her older brother Lee Heeseung,who already moved out and is busy too with his work.

„I need to do well in school for my family" She sighed. Her family wasn't the richest, but they had enough money to buy the most important things and also because of Heeseung's hard work, the family together earned more money, means Y/N got more money too and could go shopping together with her friends.

„Good Night world" With that her eyelid began to feel heavy as she closed them and shifted to a comfortable position, till she fell asleep.

Day 4:

Y/N couldn't attend school and already informed her friends, and surprisingly Junghwan attended school as he went together with Dahyun.

„Junghwan" Ni-Ki called him out as he sighed before turning around, seeing Ni-Ki all serious as Dahyun got the sigh and quietly walked away.

„Is there something you need Ni-Ki?" The older boy asked as the younger shook his head.

„No...I just wanted to say that Y/N is really worried about you"

„I know that"

Silence filled the air as they avoided eye contact and akwardly looked around. Who thought that it would be that akward?

„I wanted to say" Junghwan's eyes roamed to Ni-Ki, who took a big breath before saying three words that changed the world for the older one.

„I am sorry" With that he left Junghwan speechless, while his mother dropped and eyes widened. Ni-Ki flashed a faint small before walking away as the older one was him slowly disappearing.

„Did he—"

„Yes, he did" Dahyun came and patted his shoulder, while smiling brightly. Junghwan still couldn't believe the words Ni-Ki said,as he soon later grinned widely,feeling amazing.

„Maybe this could mean a new start"

„Could be" Dahyun still smiled as both of them went to class.

{time skip}

„Y/N, Y/N!!" Junghwan yelled like a small kid, running to the sick girl, as he tried to hug her but Y/N pushed him away and Dahyun laughed.

„Junghwan, please I am sick!" She said as he pouted and the other girl shook her head.

„Okay, what is it?" Y/N asked, as her best friends grinned widely, while looking at each other. Then they continued and told what happened, just as Ni-Ki apologizing and actually speaking with him at lunch which shocked her more than anything else.

„That's amazing!" The younger girl happily explained as Junghwan excitedly nodded his head.

„I told ya things get better" Dahyun said as he nodded.

„Let's watch a movie!" She then suggested as the two other best friends agreed.

The two teens stood up and searched for a good movie, while Y/N still laid on her bed, watching them from afar and enjoying the her resting time.
Enhypen is debuting tomorrow 🥺 I still can't believe and also don't forget to stream guys!!

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