His sad eyes tell a story. Just in time his happiness came.
First Niki from I-Land Fan-fiction
-grammar mistakes
-English isn't my first language
Highest rankings:
#1 NIKI |25.08.2020
#1 BELIFT|30.08.2020
#1 RIKI |19.09.2020
#3 MNET|29.11.2020
#1 RO...
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Normally Niki wasn't that kind of boy to cry,as his mom taught him that boys weren't allowed to cry which is stereotypical and he hated it.
He hated everything of his mom, from the way how she treated him to her being not a mom at all.
It all happened after the incident which costed his dads life, but it wasn't his fault, so why did he has to suffer? A question he asked himself everyday with no answer. He was alone.
„Can't I be happy for atleast one day?!" The boy yelled at his mirror imagine in the bathroom.
As he saw his messy reflection he chuckled at himself. His eyes swollen red, just like always, his sickly pale skin and then his bruises all over his arms, the bruises he always covered up with an oversized hoodie.
„I am tired, I don't want this anymore" He said, while tears formed in his red swollen eyes again.
„Dad, I will meet you soon" The boy continued, forcing a smile.
Then he slowly opened the cardboard with his shaky hands and continued to look for something.
„Gosh, where did she put it?!" He yelled, anger was heard in his loud voice.
„There's another wa—"
*beep beep* Suddenly his phone started to ring as he sighed deeply.
As he took his phone out it was his savior again, it was the person who always had the right timing. It was Y/N.
After wiping his tears away and snuffing Niki answers the call.
„Niki,oh my gosh, where are you?!" Y/N immediately asked, worried about the boy.
„I am home..." He replied dry, but still thankful that she cared for him.
„Give me your address, I will come!" The girl said trough the phone, making the boy panic.
„N-No! I don't-You can't sorry" Niki stuttered.
But Y/N didn't stop. He was too afraid that she would see him in that horrible state, also how the house looked. His home looked horrible and messy, something he was embarrassed at.
Still he was the sad, depressed boy who only wanted to be loved. Slowly and slowly he couldn't hold it anymore.
„I am fine, please don't bother me Y/N" Niki tried to say it as nice as possible, still it was too much for him and he only wanted some peace.
„Oh...I see...I am sorry that I bothered you" The girl apologized in a dry tone.
Then she hung up, making the whole room quiet again,as Niki could hear his breathing.
‚Was I too harsh?" He thought, afterwards sighing.
With a heavy heart he made his way to his room. As he opened his door, he was greeted by his messy room. Everywhere clothes and empty bottles, that's why nobody is allowed to go to his room, not even his friends. It's the only place where he feels safe.
Walking toward his bed, Niki slowly let his body fallonto the bed, breathing heavily to get the sadness away from his heart.
A little later he remembered the call with Y/N again, he already had a lot in his mind and then her too? The poor boy was too overwhelmed by his feelings and decided just to sleep,trying to sleep his problems away, like always and then he wakes up in this cruel reality, day by day.
On the other hand Y/N was overthinking too.
„Did I annoy him?" She asked herself, looking at the blank ceiling.
Afterwards she sighed and looked at her phone. It was already late, but she couldn't sleep, since she was overthinking.
„I think I should be more careful and thoughtful next time" The girl sighed, while staring out of the window,where the moon shines in the dark night sky. Not only her, but Niki saw it too the the exact same time. A beautiful view for both of them,but the moon began to shine even brighter, blinding the eyes from the teens and then it was all gone. Just as fast as a flash. Both of them immediately stood up to see what happened, expecting something, however nothing was left. The moon was hidden behind the dark night sky and only something weird was seen.
„What's that?" The teenagers asked in unison.
There was something sparkling, just like after a firework and it was indeed beautiful. Suddenly it flew all together , creating some kind of chaos, however the mess disappeared.
„That was weird" Y/N said, shaking her head and going bed to her bed.
On the other hand Niki didn't go to his bed, instead he still stood there, looking out of the window and admiring the busy road and the city lights,while stars popped up,on after one.
„Only in the darkness can you see the stars" -Marthin Luther King Jr. ———————————————————————— NIKI BEST BOY FINALLY HAS A BADGE!!! PLEASE VOTE FOR OUR MAIN DANCER, I AM SO PROUD OF HIM 🥺❤️ HE IS TOP 2 HE DID SO WELL