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The next day was just like every single other day

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The next day was just like every single other day. The only difference was that Ni-Ki wasn't at school and it kinda worried Y/N. Also his friends group kept looking at her which kinda freaked her out but she remained calm.

But before she went home someone approached her.

„Y/N we have to talk again" Jungwon said.

„No, we don't have to" She sarcastically smiled and left the older boy as he sighed.

„Now both of them hate eachother...why do I feel bad? It's a good thing right?" He whispered to himself, having a bad feeling.

However there was a person who eavesdrop them and heard everything even thought it was quick. She came out of her hiding spot and approached Jungwon.

„Instead talking to Y/N, you should talk to Junghwan since he is the person who knows everything not her" Dahyun said and walked away. While walking away it made ‚bling' in the older boy's head as he quickly rushed out of the school.

‚Gosh, I am so stupid! The whole time I was after the wrong person and it resulted something terrible' He thought while running his hand trough his soft, shiny hair.

He looked at all directions but no sight as he sighed and started to run again. He didn't know where but trusted his instinct.

{time skip}

His instinct took him to the right away. He found Y/N before she fully left the school and asked about her best friend's address.

The shorter girl tried to ignore him at all costs, however Jungwon is known for not giving up so he got the Junghwan's address and thanked the girl who was playfully rolling her eyes at him.

While smiling proudly he headed to the younger boy's home. But the closer he got the faster his heart beat as anxiety filled his body.

‚I have to do this for Ni-Ki' He thought, clenching his fist while nodding and biting his lower lip as his attractive dimple showed.

Every step slowed him down while he was really thinking about giving up. Both of them were rivals and if the wrong person opened the door, he was going to be dead meat.

However it was his own fault and he had to pay for it and accepted that everything could happen. Jungwon lightly knocked three times while his hands began to sweat.

No respond. He trie again and again but not respond. The boy sighed and was about to give up and walk away, however someone suddenly opened the door while he gasped.

It was the person he wanted to talk with,just something was different. Junghwan's hair was messy and he was in Pyjama,probably slept.

But as soon as he realized who stood in front of him he widened his eyes.

„What are you doing here?" He asked confused. Junghwan never expected for the older boy to come, especially because he never gave his address to anyone but his friends and family members.

„We need to talk!" Jungwon said as the younger one shook his head. „Please it's important! It's about Y/N too!" He continued.

Junghwan's mind went ‚bling' hearing his best friend's made as he immediately agreed and let the dimple boy in his house.

The house was modern and elegant. The furnitures looked new and expensive and every was neatly and clean with the modern colors grey and white. Jungwon was indeed amazed and wanted to praise the designer.

However it got serious again as both of them sat on the couch, facing eachother with not so happy faces. Of course the younger one was nervous and curious hearing what the older one had to say, especially when it comes to Y/N.

„So...tell me the matter" Junghwan broke the silence as Jungwon nodded and took a big breathe before speaking.

„Ni-Ki and Y/N like eachother—  " Jungwon got cut off by a loud gasp. Junghwan indeed knew that Y/N liked Ni-Ki, however he didn't know that the younger boy liked her back even though it was pretty obvious. But coming from Jungwon made it weird for him.

„Don't act like you didn't know" The older one playfully rolled his eyes as the younger one folded his arms.

„Okay, so they like eachother and?"

„They have been friends for awhile, however we got concerned about Ni-Ki because we know that your and Ni-Ki's family have some issues and thought that Y/K would be a..."

„Would be a...?"

„Would be a spy or something"

„What?" Junghwan shook his disappointedly. He couldn't believe what he heard and almost even laughed because of how stupid it was to him.

„Y/N a spy? She isn't involved in any family issues and has nothing to do with it, cut her out" The younger boy began to get mad. Not everything is unloved with him and his family issues.

„Just stay away from Ni-Ki" Jungwon shot him a death glare as Junghwan bitterly smiled at him.

„I already did for years and still do it because I don't have another choice left" He said, taking Jungwon off guard.

„Also just because my dad is a monster doesn't mean I am" He flashed a fake smile before pushing Jungwon outside.

„Tell Ni-Ki to take good care of my little sister Y/N, I won't be here for awhile" He closed the door,leaving Jungwon alone in the freezing cold.

It was already dark outside and colder. The boy's heart started to ache, guilty feelings started to overwhelm the boy poor boy as he walked away with slow and heavy steps.

‚All I do is wrong...I just want to help but of course I mess everything up again' He sighed while the cold air looked like smoke and his nose slowly started to get red, cursing himself for not going earlier.

„I am sorry guys" He mumbled.

————————————————————————WONKI WONKI WONKI WONKI WONKI

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