Chapter 19: I am a gentleman

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The whispers began almost as soon as I entered school

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The whispers began almost as soon as I entered school.

Did you know Will had a sleepover at her house last night?

She was on his instagram story.

She dumps his best friend and then she tries to hook up with him?

Ugh she's such a whore.

"Hey girll!!", Liv threw her arm around me.

Kenzie's mouth dropped open.

"Cheerleader. Popular person. THERE." she pointed at Liv.

"Oh you must be Kenzie", she put her other arm around Kenzie's shoulders, "I've heard so much about you! I love your nails, they're so cute, we should go to get manicures together someday",

Kenzie's confused expression was replaced with a grin.

"Me likey her", she nodded happily.

"We have evolved from the homo sapiens Kenzie", I retorted.

"Whatever, it's good to hear something except for stupid rumours about my best friend", she scoffed.

"Oh yeah, I remember hearing something about, Harper is such a whore and other words that if I say, my mama will wash my mouth with laundry detergent", Liv said.

"I can't believe people are that hungry for drama", Kenzie groaned.

"Yeah, I know right, I could just-", Liv made a strangling motion with her hands.

"And I could just-", Kenzie made a slicing motion at her throat.

"Yeah and I could just-",

"Okay both of you can stop your sinister sign language or I'm running away far FAR away from the both of you",

They both grinned sheepishly as we approached our lockers.

"You know what would help?", Liv suggested, "A girls trip",

"I'm IN!", Kenzie yelled.

"We can go on the road with an entire Little Mix playlist!", Liv squealed.

"With a whole of lot junk food in the back", Kenzie nodded eagerly.

"Alot of donuts",

"And alot of coffee obviously",

"We can go to my dad's summer house",

"And have late night chick flick movie nights",

"13 going on 30",

"She's all that",

"A CINDERELLA STORY!!", they both squealed simultaneously.

"Guys are you seriously not even going to ask me if I want to go?", I interrupted.

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