Chapter 31: Captain Hook Wannabe

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The days passed by in a blur. I kept on going in and out of consciousness. I remember bits and pieces, like the doctor talking to my parents, Kenzie, Liv and Kat sitting at the foot of my bed,

Will's voice begging me to wake up.

This time, I actually woke up. My throat was as dry as sandpaper, my breath tasted awful. Ugh, it was even worse than morning breath. My body was painfully sore and I knew, no amount of cat-like stretching would help it.

The light of the room almost blinded me, but soon my eyes adjusted to it. I was about to raise my hand to rub my eyes when I felt a weight on it.

I looked down to see Will's head resting on my hand. He had a light stubble on his face, indicating he hadn't shaved in a while. His forehead wrinkled as he frowned in his sleep. He always slept like that when he was mad or upset. His hand rested on my wrist as he mumbled my name in his sleep.

Awwww. Fuck it, I don't want a puppy, this boy is too cute.

I put my hand on his head, running it through his soft hair.

He sighed contently in his sleep, the lines on his forehead disappeared and a small boyish smile appeared on his face.

"I love you Harp", Will mumbled dreamily.

Patient's name: Harper Charlotte Jones

Cause of death: Cuteness Overload

"I love you too", I whispered.

Will's eyes shot open. He sat up, staring at me in surprise.

"You're awake", he muttered.

"Yeah, took a long refreshing nap", I chuckled.

Before I knew it, Will engulfed me in his arms, wrapping them tightly around me. He smelled like a hospital, well it's obvious he hadn't gone home in a while.

His body vibrated as he sniffled.

"I thought I lost you", his voice was heavy with tears.

A handsome boy crying in my arms. Oh what the fuck, my life is beautiful.

"You aren't that lucky, I'm not going to stop annoying you for a long time, William", I chuckled, hugging him back.

He pulled away and stared deeply into my eyes while he caressed my face with his thumb.

"Annoy me all you want, for as long as you want, just please don't ever leave me and don't scare me like that again",

"I won't", I brushed away a tear from his cheek, "I promise",

He leaned into kiss me, but I dodged it, kissing him on the cheek instead.

"Trust me when I say you don't want to kiss me unless you want to know what a garbage can tastes like", I held him at an arms length.

He chuckled, giving me a kiss on the forehead instead.

"How long was I out?",

"About two weeks", he sat down next to me.

"And how bad is it? Did I loose something? Leg? Finger? Spleen? Oh wait, do I have scars? I've always wanted a battle scar",

"No, you don't captain hook wannabe",

"Argh!", I held up my fist like a hook, pounding it in the air as both of us laughed.

"But you do have burns on your shoulders and back, but they'll heal soon enough",

"That's actually a good thing, new skin, without any scars from before, I'll start fresh",

"And I'll be standing behind you with a banner, cheering you on", he kissed my nose, "I missed you Harp",

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