Chapter 16: You're a cheeky little brat

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I spent the entire day in bed

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I spent the entire day in bed. Bubba, Kat, Mom and Dad had tried to get me to eat something or even say something but I just couldn't. I just told them I needed time alone. Kenzie and Daniel had called me more than a hundred times but I knew they would ask questions and I really didn't want to talk.

I had fallen asleep for the hundredth time, when the sound of the window slamming shut broke my slumber.

"Go home Will, I don't want to talk", I mumbled.

Will sank into the mattress beside me, I could feel the heat radiating off him on my back but I didn't dare turn around.

"You don't have to talk, just came here because I knew that you would avoid everyone even though the only way you can feel better is with them", he replied surely.

"Did Mason call you?", I asked.

"No, I came back from football practice and saw a bunch of missed calls from Kat and Liam and I figured something was up", Will put a hand on my shoulder.

"What's wrong Harp?", he asked soothingly.

"He cheated on me", I replied.

"Mason cheated on you?", Will's voice went heavy with anger, "That fucktard-", Will tried to get out of bed but I held him back.

"Stay please, I already broke up with him", I pleaded.

Will looked at my puffy red eyes with a look of anger, pain and concern.

"I will break every goddamn bone in his body, he can't make you cry", Will threatened.

"What is with men and your eagerness to express concern by beating someone up?", I snapped, clutching his arm with all the strength in my body, "I told you to stay and you will",

"What if I don't?",

I let go of his arm and buried myself inside the blanket.

"Then I'm never talking to you ever again", I decided.

"I won't mind having you shut up once in a while", he snickered.

I looked at him, very offended.

I sat up and pulled him by the collar of his t-shirt.

"You leave this room", I threatened, "and you die".

He scoffed at me.

"Don't test me Will, you don't know my capabilities", I challenged.


"Good boy",

I let go of his collar, allowing him to sit down on the foot of the bed as I sat across from him.

"So, what do I get for not beating up Mason?",

"What are you? A puppy? Should I teach you some basic manners and give you a treat for being a good boy?", I laughed.

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