Chapter 23: Let's be stupid together then

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"Okay can we run through the plan once more?", I fidgeted.

"You mean the plan YOU made and went through like 20 times since we left the house", Kenzie stated, "Sure go ahead ya psycho",

"Okay, I have to avoid Will the entire time, if we see him coming in the hallways, I run and you guys distract, if it's the cafeteria, one of you pretend to choke on something and I rush you to the bathroom, if he corners me, then one of you pretend to break something or get badly hurt, if it's the library, pretend to have your period and ask me for a pad, if it's the classroom, do something to have the teacher look at us, if it's the girl's bathroom, call the nurse and if it's the bleachers then well I can leave that to Chelsea to flirt with him long enough for me to make my escape", I explained.

"Okay first off, he's not going to barge into the girl's bathroom, I might as well give him a swirlie, and secondly, what kind of a drama queen are you? we're not in a movie!, you're not Anne Shirley and he....well he does look a little like Gilbert Blythe but he's not!", Kenzie exclaimed, "He won't pull your braid in the middle of class calling you carrots!", 

"You don't know Will, Kenzie, that guy has called me almost a hundred times since last night and I had to sleep in Kat's room and lock all the windows of the house so he wouldn't climb through them", 

Yes. Turns out Will is willing to talk about the kiss. My plan? Ignore him unless he decides to forget about it.

I know it sucks.

But how long could it take?


"Oh my god, you're right", Kenzie panted, "Will does not give up",

William had chased us almost 50 times since school started. And till now, we'd escaped him everytime. 

"I think I'm gonna get bruises from all that fake falling", Liv rubbed her knees.

"Yeah and I've had to choke on more food and water than I consume in one day!", Kenzie exclaimed, "And now I'm pretty sure the title of Bloody Mary is going to go to me from Chelsea to me now, nobody has ever asked for that many pads!!",

"I told you", I shrugged.

"Why on earth did you have to kiss him?!", Kenzie slapped my arm.

"Oww! Hey I wasn't in my senses!",

"I'm never letting either of you get drunk! Because everytime you do, he starts giving you hickeys and you start kissing him!", she whisper yelled frustratedly.

It's true though.

"Harper", Liv points behind me.

I turn around to see Will approaching us, very quick.

Immediately, Liv trips down on the floor and everyone heads to help her, blocking Will's way while I make my escape.

"HARPER!", I heard him call. Ignoring him, I ran as fast as my short little stubby legs could carry me. The thought of confrontation makes me run alot faster. Olympic runners would be left behind me at this point.

I quickly entered an abandoned hallway and hid behind the lockers, finally catching my breath.

My phone buzzed with a text from Kenzie.

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