Chapter 6:Why do I get a feeling that is not true?

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Edited by Allaboutliterature19

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Edited by Allaboutliterature19

"Okay so," Will sauntered in beside me as the shop assistant followed him, carrying a pile of dresses. 

She practically dumped the clothes in my hands and continued to look at Will dreamily. Like every other girl in the shop. 

Just great.

"I picked out a few dresses. Now you go and try them," Will said, flicking his palm lazily to shoo me away.

I walked into the changing room with the dresses.

After I was done trying out all the dresses, I stepped out of the changing room with a scowl. 

Every dress the idiot had chosen had a low neckline that made my chest almost pop out of it. 

Speak about nothing left to the imagination.

Will stood there talking to the store assistant, who was twirling her hair between her fingers as she ran her hand down his arm.

A few girls in the corner whispered and giggled while looking at him, and some of them walked by him in their dresses to get his attention.

I swear this guy was a chick magnet or something.

I cleared my throat and Will looked at me.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" He cringed at my sour expression.

"Your taste in dresses, is terrible, if I must say so," I said dryly, dumping the dresses back in the store assistant's arms, making her scowl at me.

"What do you want me to do? I don't go out with girls like you, and I definitely don't choose dresses for them," Will shrugged.

"Just look for a dress that you can see me in," I explained.

He looked deep in thought for a second and then he started skimming through the shelves and picked out one from the rack, handing it to me.

"Try this, Harp."

I turned around and headed towards the dressing room. 

The beautiful pink dress was perfect, I realized as I twirled around in it a few times, absolutely mesmerized

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The beautiful pink dress was perfect, I realized as I twirled around in it a few times, absolutely mesmerized.

I opened the door and Will was talking to a different girl.

"Will," I called out, gesturing for him to come inside.

He comes in and shuts the door. His eyes land on me, and his gaze slowly trails all over my body. 

The almost expressionless look he had made my excitement falter.

"What? I look bad, right?" I said, a frown appearing on my face.

"I don't know about your stupid judgement, but I think you look beautiful," he replied.

A blush rose up to my cheeks when I saw his gaze still trained right at me.

"The dress is beautiful, yeah," I said softly, running my hands down the smooth fabric.

Suddenly Will's hand rested on my shoulder, his thumb brushing the scars on it. 

His expression darkened as I held in a breath.

"Are you ever going to tell me what happened?" He whispered, moving closer to me, heat radiating off his form.

"I-I don't know, Will," I sighed.

A knock on the door made us break apart.

"I'll uh-wait for you outside," Will said, his palm on the back of his neck.

"Y-yeah s-sure," I replied shakily as he left.

I changed out of the dress and into my own clothes. I couldn't help but think that I really would've end up telling Will everything. I should be thanking the person who knocked on the door, but when I stepped outside, I wasn't really thinking the same thing.

There stood Chelsea and Courtney in all of their, uh-whatever it is they had.

"Oh, look who it is. Is that who you're here with Will?" Courtney smirked at Chelsea's infuriated face.

"Is that your dress, Harper?" Chelsea looked at the dress I was holding. 

Well, duh bitch.

"I like it, let's trade," she reached out for it with her manicured fingernails.

"Sorry, two faced bitch isn't really my style," I flashed her a sweet smile as hers faltered.

"Well, I don't think you'd fit in anything," Courtney spat out.

My fist tightened as the memories came flooding back.

"I'm not perfect but at least I'm not you," I snapped back.

"Will, how do you think I look in this dress?" Chelsea batted her eyelashes at Will who looked at her monotonously.

"As long as you don't get too close to the heaters, it should be fine. Remember, plastic melts," I said, about to drag Will along with me but Courtney gripped my wrist.

"Just because you've got a few comebacks doesn't mean you've changed, Harper. Remember, you're still that disgusting fatso crying in the bathroom stalls and the psycho who cuts herself with razors," she hissed and flicked away my wrist.

Will looked at me with concern as we walked away.

I paid for the dress at the counter and began walking with the bag.

"Harper," I heard Will call after me.

"Harp!" He caught up to me.

"What?!" I snapped.

"Was it them?" He asked, making me gulp.

"Harper tell me. Was it them?"

"It was no one, just me."

"Why do I get a feeling that is not true?"

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