Chapter #6: OH CRAP

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"What do you think you're doing!?", Will gasped as he saw me sitting on the couch, reaching for the pizza I had just ordered.

"Eating pizza", I picked up a slice, only for it to be snatched out of my hand.

"This is not good for the baby!", He pulled the pizza box away from me and slid the salad towards me.

"Will I don't want any more salad please", I begged.

"Nope, you're almost at 9 months, no fast food for you",

"Then I don't want dinner", I leaned back in the couch.

"Babe, don't be like this, come on", He tried to coax me with the forkful of salad but I turned away.

"Please no", I mumbled, "I've really been craving pizza, I just don't want to eat",

"Come on Harp", He placed his hand on my belly, "Baby boy, tell your mom to listen to me",

"Baby boy, tell your dad to get away from me before I lose my temper and punch him",

"You can do all that you want, I'm not giving you this pizza slice",

I got up and walked to the counter for a glass of water.

"Will", I paused.


"I think my water just broke",

Will jumped over the sofa set and landed next to me within a split second.

"Are you okay? Of course you're not! Oh shi-shoot! We have to call Sophie and we-", I snatched the pizza slice out of his hand.

Will stared at me for second before realization dawned on his face.

"Hell is filled with people like you", He stated.

"Sure it is", I grinned as I munched on the pizza with utter delight.

"That's the only piece", He took away the pizza box, "Now go sit down",

"Yessir", I giggled as I sat down on the sofa, savoring the taste of mozzarella while Will disappeared into the kitchen with the box of pizza.

After I was done, I scrolled through my phone, looking at the pictures Mason and Chelsea on their honeymoon in Paris.

These two are so adorable.

Suddenly, a felt a sharp pain across my spine for a split second before it relaxed.

What the hell? Must've just been a cramp.

I resumed to my phone when I felt it again and I immediately stood up. I felt the liquid travel down my leg and pool onto the floor.

oh. crap.

Oh. Crap.


"Will", I called out.


"My water just broke",

"That isn't working again", he chuckled from the kitchen.

The contractions began, they weren't painful right now. But they were exactly as Sophie had described.


"Not working",


Will materialized into the living room and his eyes went to the water on the floor.

"You weren't joking", He stated, "Oh my god. OH CRAP. THE BABY'S COMING! OH MY GOD".

Will shrieked as he ran to the bedroom and rushed back with my maternity bag and the car keys.

"We have to go! Now! Now!", He took me by the arm, leading me to the door patiently.

Once we got into the car, the contractions were starting to get painful.

"Hello my beautiful couple", Sophie's voice chirped from the speaker.



"Hey Harper", Sophie came into the room, "How's the mom doing?",

"Very very sore", I chuckled, "But I'm not bad",

"You did really great momma", Sophie placed her hand on my head, "You wanna meet him?",

"Can I please?", I sat up, wincing a little.

"Of course", She smiled, "Let's wake up Panicky Papa first", She gestured to Will who was passed out onto the armchair.

Even though I was the one who just went through 10 hours of labor and pushed a human being out of me. Will looked more exhausted than me.

This drama queen. I swear he's a total imbecile.

Sophie walked up to Will and nudged his shoulder.

Will shot up to his feet like he'd just been electrocuted.

"What happened? Is Harp alright? Is the baby alright? Are you alright?!", He spoke desperately to Sophie who chuckled at the reaction.

"William, you complete idiot", I giggled.

"Oh thank god you're okay", He came over to me, pecking my lips and kissing my forehead, "What about the baby?",

"He's here", Sophie gestured at the door where a nurse pushed in a small blue cot and placed it beside my bed.

She picked up the bundle of blue blankets and carefully handed it to me.

I will forever remember the sight that I beheld in that moment.

A pair of small chocolate brown eyes peered up at me. Two rosy chubby cheeks and a pair of small pink lips that made a series of noises as it scrutinized my face.

"Hi", I whispered to him, tears spilling out of my eyes.

He gurgled and moved around in his little blanket. His lips moved upwards revealing a pair of soft dimples.

"He's..", Will peered over my shoulder, "So small",

After a few seconds of nervous shaking, Will finally managed to swaddle the baby in his arms as he sat beside me.

He tapped the baby's nose, making it laugh and move it's arms from inside the blanket.

"I've waited a long time for you champ", He whispered, "You're gonna steal your mom from me aren't you?",

I smacked his arm as we laughed.

"Have we decided on any names?", Sophie asked.

"Nixon", I said, "His name's Nixon",

"Sounds like a playboy", Will smirked.

"Oh please, he is so not going to be like you", I scowled, "I will never let my child be as annoying as you",

"He's got my genes Harp, you can't help it",

Awww, it's their first baby..

I'm so happy right now, I can't even speak. I'm just grinning like a lunatic.

By the way, this baby is named Nixon after my dear friend and one of the first readers of The Locker Room Incident.

And also another one

You better not let this get to your head. I know Nashi won't but Nuha....I've got my eye on you.

So let me clear something out, Wilper is going to have three kids and I'm going to name them after my first group of readers who supported me to continue this story no matter what. They inspired me endlessly and I feel like they deserve this completely.

ily all of you so much!!!<3

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