Chapter 25: I would if every girl was you

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"Here you go", Will handed me the bag of food as he took a seat on the hood of the car, beside me.

I opened the bag and the smell of the greasy goodness made my mouth water.

We drove around for a while but then we stopped at a fast food joint to get some burgers, fries and shakes. Not fancy. But perfect. 

Now we were sitting on the hood of Will's car in the parking lot while I gulfed down my food. Will had actually gotten me 3 packets of fries because he knew I loved them so I was a very happy person right about now.

"Ahhh", I sighed after taking a bite of my juicy chicken burger, "I had forgotten what good food tasted like after having that pasta",

"Please don't remind me about that", Will blushed.

"Why did you think you'd have to take me to a fancy place?", I laughed.

"Well, umm...every girl I'd ever taken on a date wanted to go somewhere fancy and they seemed to love the food even though I found it horrible", he admitted, rubbing the nape of his neck.

"William, they didn't like the food", I laughed at how oblivious he was, "They pretend to because it's an expensive restaurant and it looks better on their instagram story",

"Are you serious?", he stared at me in utter disbelief.

I cackled as he tried to let that information sink in.

"So why do you prefer this?", he gestured at the food in front of us.

"William Green, I am not dating you because you're rich", I clarified as I slurped my shake, "I'm dating you because I like you",

"What is it that you like about me?", he asked.

"I like your sense of humour, your smile, your ignorance, your arrogance and the way you make me feel", I stated, "Oh and your eyes",

"That's pretty good, I have to admit", 

"Of course it is, I said it",

We ate our food in the silence of the parking lot and by the time we had finished, it was almost deserted except for the employees cars.

"I can't believe we're actually dating each other", Will chuckled.

"I know, it seems like a dream that you get to date ME", I fanned myself with my hand.

"Geez, and you call me arrogant", Will scoffed.

I grinned sheepishly at him.

My phone started buzzing in my purse and I wiped my hands on a napkin and picked up the call.

"Yallo", I greeted.

"You can thank me later", Bubba said, sounding rather proud of himself, therefore scaring me.

"What do you mean?",

"You and your boyfriend can stay out canoodling for as long as you want",

"Okay first of all, who says canoodling? Nana? and second of all, what did you do?",

"I told mom and dad you were back and that you were asleep because it was a very tiring date and for convincing them, I have a pillows sleeping in the room",

"But we were about to come home why did you do that?", 

The other line was silent for a while.

"Oops?", Bubba laughed nervously.

"God Bubba, why do you have to do these stupid things all the time?", I rubbed my temple.

"Please don't come home! Mom and dad will kill me!",

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