Chapter VI

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Lisa held Jennie's waist tighter, as the feline eyed woman tilted her head to look at her. Jennie still looks a little loopy and confused, probably because she sprinted so fast from the bedroom to the front porch just to be greeted by Chaeyoung. The woman Jennie is most jealous about, although the feline eyed South Korean has not vocally said a single word about being jealous towards Chaeyoung, Lisa can feel it even if it is as invisible as thin air.

The doe eyed woman scrunched up her nose and smiled brightly at Jennie, "Good morning, babe." She stated.

The feline eyed woman gulped, she needs a minute or two to process the beautiful sight inches away from her. The ray of sun light passing through the window and shining on Lisa's skin like a spotlight in a stadium directed towards the doe eyed woman. Her pale skin seems to be sparkling under the morning light, "You look so pretty." Jennie uttered unbeknownst to herself that she just said it out loud.

Lisa giggled, then Chaeyoung released a deep chuckle. Jennie gasped when she realized that she just said the statement loud enough for Lisa and Chaeyoung to hear. The feline eyed woman bit her lip and lowered her gaze to avoid the teasing looks the women around her are giving her.

"You're cute." Lisa stated when she noticed Jennie's embarrassment. The doe eyed woman ruffled Jennie's coffee brown hair, to ease the feline eyed woman's awkwardness.

The Blonde-haired South Korean cleared her throat, the sound of it made the couple to focus their attention to Chaeyoung. "Hello, Jennie." She greeted in her thick Australian accent, that seems to intimidate the hell out of Jennie.

"Hi." She greeted consciously. Subtly fixing her hair to try and look more presentable.

Chaeyoung smiled, then furrowed her brows and tilted her head. "Have I seen you before?" The younger South Korean asked, squinting her eyes to try and remember where she has seen Jennie's face before.

"Probably in TV? Newspapers? I was quite famous, like two years ago." Jennie joked, although it hurts deep inside her. She does not want to act rudely towards Chaeyoung. The statement however seems to fire up Lisa. How insensitive of Chaeyoung to ask a question like that.

The doe eyed woman was about to reprimand her ex-lover when Chaeyoung spoke again.

"No, not in that way, Jennie. I mean way back." The blonde-haired woman stated, not wanting Jennie or Lisa to feel offended. She thought hard again. "I think I saw you in an after-party? Was it in my wedding?" She asked again, this time looking directly at Lisa.

Jennie felt relieved that Chaeyoung remembered her from when she first saw her in New York. It is quite hard to find people like her. Nowadays, people only remember her as the South Korean Attorney who was involved in a big-time bar exam scandal.

Lisa on the other hand, smiled when she heard the statement. "Yeah. She was with me." The doe eyed woman replied, as she intertwines her hand to Jennie's.

Chaeyoung smiled and nodded knowingly. She knew Lisa's type. "I am happy for you, Lisa."

The doe eyed woman returned the gesture. "Thank you." Lisa replied.

"It is nice meeting you again, Jennie." Chaeyoung stated, her eyes now fixated towards the feline eyed woman, who is looking too childish in her tom and jerry pajamas.

"It's nice meeting you again, too." The feline eyed woman stated extending her hand for the blonde-haired woman to shake but Chaeyoung just laughed and pulled her into a hug, which surprised Jennie and made her more self-conscious. The woman smells like heaven while she probably smells like sweat, drool, and sex. Lisa is fortunate enough to wake up early, well she does wakes up early, and have a trip to the shower to remove the smell of intense love making session they shared last night, while she slept cutely wearing the tom and jerry pajama. Jennie does not know how to react so she just awkwardly tapped Chaeyoung's back.

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