Jasper Bonus: Re-homed.

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Kimberly watched the ocean intently. "No... No no no..." She thought, starting to cry. "M-Momma..."

The Crystal Gems turned their heads to see what had caused the sound. Steven (being the most observant one) was the first person to spot the baby. He gasped.
The others followed his line of vision and had the same reaction.

Garnet went to gently pick up the baby, but it only made her sob harder. The Fusion flinched. "I am not good with infants..."

"A human baby... out here?" Pearl muttered. "Maybe I could try to hold her?"

Garnet shrugged and handed her over. The infant stopped crying in her arms for a second, then continued.

Kimmy looked around and saw an amethyst. It always reminded her of her mother. The infant reached for the purple gem, whimpering.

Pearl and Garnet looked up in surprise, and tried to give the baby to Amethyst.

Amethyst was also surprised. "No way I'm holding that. For all we know, she's planning to-"

"Amethyst, HOLD THIS BABY RIGHT NOW! She CLEARLY only wants to be held by YOU! For some reason.."

"Heh, the baby has good taste." The Purple Gem thought.

Ignoring Pearl's last comment, the purple gem took the baby and held her gently. Kimberly settled down and stretched, revealing the note still attached to her.

"Guys look! It's a note!" Steven pointed out.

"Dear Stranger,

You have found my precious child. I am not able to look after my dearest, so I ask that you do so for me. Her name is Kimberly.

Thank you."

"Her name is Kimberly. Nice name."

"So that's why she was calling out for her Mother! She was just left here. Alone." Steven said sympathetically.

"...Well Amethyst, it looks like your going to have to look after her."

"-Only until her Mom returns, alright? Alright."

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