Greg Catch-up.

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Finding A Baby:

(No Pov)

It was a bright, sunny day in beach city. No gem monsters attacking, no arguments or drama, just a normal day. Greg sat in his van and sighed.

It was boring.

He got up and decided to walk around the sleepy town. Maybe that would help.

~Time Skip~

That didn't help. Something about today felt... Empty. Like something (or someone) important was missing.

He decided to go to the beach temple and see the gems. It was far fetched, considering that this was a human problem, but maybe the space rebels could help.

As he approached, Greg could hear distant wailing. The closer he got, the louder it was. The gems could wait.

He found a tattered, dirty box as the source of the sound.

The male gasped and his eyes softened sympathetically as he looked inside. Careful not to cause any harm, Greg slowly picked up the baby.

There was a short handwritten note inside of the box.

"Protect her." It read. Nothing more, nothing less.

Greg stared at the note, then at the baby. She was still sniffling, no doubt cold and maybe even hungry.

"Shhhhh... Shhhhh..." He cooed, soothingly. The small child snuggled into his grip and started to fall asleep.

Mr Universe then made a life-changing decision: to keep this child and raise her as his own.

"Heh, I wonder how Steven will react to having a little sister. I think I'll call you... Nora. Nora Rose Universe."

'Nora' slept peacefully in Greg's arms, trusting him.

Meeting The Others:

Greg sucked in a breath and knocked on the door. He heard a muffled, "I'll get it!" Seconds before the door was opened. Steven stood in the doorway and stared at the baby in his Father's arms.

"Stu-ball, do you have any idea why a baby was in a box at the door?"


~Time Skip~

"So, your saying that you found a human being, that has (somehow) taken a liking to you, abandoned on our doorstep?" Pearl asked, rubbing her chin in thought.

"What's her name?" Amethyst asked, prodding the infant's baby fat.

"Well, I was thinking about naming her 'Nora'." Greg replied, glancing at Steven.

"...Hey, Stu-ball, are you alright with all of this? If I do adopt her, that would make lil' Nora here your sister."

"Is that even a question!?! Of course I'm okay with this! I always wondered what it would be like if I wasn't an only child! I'm not the youngest anymore! Or the shortest!" Steven yelled, pumping his fists in the air dramatically.

"I feel ya buddy." Amethyst said, lazily shaking her head.

Garnet smiled in the corner. A little sibling would do Steven, Greg, Amethyst and even Pearl some good, it seemed.

"Only time will tell." She muttered, her words unheard over the others gushing over Nora.

First Words:

Greg, Steven and Nora sat by the van. Steven had started humming, not long after Greg had joined in and, of course, baby Nora wanted to be included so she started babbling along. It caused a few laughs, because of how out of tune her gibberish was, but then they resumed humming.

Then, the boys started singing together, unaware of the fact that they were leaving the girl out of the melody. She huffed and began to think. She could sing. She could sing! She... Could...

"Sing!" Nora excitedly called out. That got their attention.


Shooting Star
Lil Rocker
Pop Idol
Miss Universe
Lil Buddy

First Steps:

Nora was supposedly sleeping peacefully in her cot, which meant that Greg could finally have some time to himself. Don't get me wrong, he loved his daughter to bits, but from time to time it was nice to not have to watch over anyone but yourself. Take a little break. A nap, even.

Then Nora woke up.

Now, being the considerate baby she is, she didn't want to disturb her loving father too much. So instead of crying her lungs away for him to walk to her, Nora would spare him the effort and walk to him. It was genius, pure, utter genius.

Nora arranged her building blocks into a staircase leading out of her cot-a trick she had used many times before to escape.

The infant crawled onto the blocks and slipped on the last one, causing her to fall to the floor with a slap. Great, now her body was a sore red. Crawling would hurt too much now, it wasn't an option anymore.

So, using some junk that was lying around in the van, Nora steadied herself and stood up. Determination flashed in her big, brown eyes as she took her first steps.

~Time Skip~ 

Greg opened his eyes, groaned, and sat up. He looked around the van for anything that may have woken him up, and only saw an empty cot. The male began to panic, and was about to call out for help when he felt a tug on his leg. Greg looked down and saw Nora smiling up at him smugly.

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