Finding A Baby.

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Garnet was out on a solo mission, and was just finishing up. Hardly breaking a sweat, she kicked a creature right in the gem-poofing and bubbling it. She sighed and tapped it, sending it home. Suddenly-


Garnet flinched at the surprisingly unexpected cry before gathering herself and moving to investigate. It was coming from... a box? Slowly, the gem advanced forward and opened it.

She gasped at the sight of a baby sitting in the tattered box that lay before her. "I didn't predict this, that's for sure." Garnet muttered to herself before scooping up the baby and rocking her in her arms. The infant's cries quietened slightly in response. "Shhh, don't cry, don't cry, I'm here now. And.. I won't leave you... Estelle."
Garnet half said, half sang to the almost sleeping infant grasping her shirt.

"...Estelle. Looks like I'll keep you. You like the sound of that?"

Estelle sleepily yawned in response.

Garnet chuckled as she placed the small child on her fluffy hair.

"I'm glad I came out today."


Amethyst was walking down the street alone, prior to visiting the big doughnut. She was going to go home, but for someone strange reason, Amethyst wanted to walk around town for a bit. She didn't know why, but trusted her instincts.

Strolling around and swallowing a doughnut whole, she began to relax. "This is kinda nic-"


"Whoa." Amethyst gasped. "I might wanna check that out." Quickly devouring another doughnut, the purple figure ran to the source of the sound.


There it was again! A loud wailing noise.


...A rather annoying one. "ALRIGHT alright, I'm coming!" Amethyst replied, now a little irritated. Finally, she had cornered the sound. It was coming from... a box?
Curious, she approached it- then gasped, covering her mouth in shock.

A baby!?!


The 'Purple Puma' winced at the outburst, but otherwise ignored it and picked up the small child. It stopped crying for a blissful second and gently but firmly grabbed a fistful of long, purple hair.

"...Michelle, quit that."

'Michelle' giggled, her saddened state long forgotten.

"Michelle..." Amethyst repeated, lost in the girl's deep, dark blue eyes.

"...Let's go home."


Pearl walked out of the house and sat beside her favourite tree. She was crying. Again. About Rose. Again.

She felt alone. Nobody could understand her connection with Rose, the secrets they'd share, the trouble they would get in and out of, the secrets they'd share. Oh, the secrets. It's enough to overload a simple gem and poof it.

After her little session, Pearl gathered herself and stood.
But she could still hear crying. That's odd-surely she had stopped weeping, so who-


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