Meeting The Others.

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Garnet warped home, little Estelle asleep in her hair. She gently moved her towards her chest as Pearl greeted her from across the room, not looking up. Amethyst didn't either.

"Steven bomb!" Came a cry from above Garnet's head.
Then laughter.

"Hello Steven."

He smiled a goofy grin before noticing the snoring bundle held below him.

"Whoa! Garnet, did you have a baby?"

Amethyst spat out the water she had been drinking and Pearl jolted around with concern.

"WHAT!" She yelled.

"Yeah, what!"

"Calm down guys, I didn't have her. I found Estelle on my last mission." Garnet stated, still staring at the small child.

Pearl let out a breath of relief, while Amethyst almost looked disappointed.

Steven climbed down and gushed over the sleeping life form. "Wait, you called her Estelle. Does that mean we're gonna keep her!?!"

The other two gems in the room had already walked over and looked at Garnet with approval and support. The Fusion smiled at him.
"Yes Steven."


Amethyst fed Michelle small chunks of the plainest doughnut she could find, laughing at the mess.
She wiped it off of the baby's cheek and blew a raspberry.
Michelle giggled, reaching out to do the same to her Mother. Her Mother, no doubt.

Amethyst let her do so, quite sloppily.

The purple gem opened the door and greeted the others with a smile.

"Hey guys, guess what!"

"What?" Replied Steven, Garnet and Pearl.

"Look what I found!" Everyone turned to look at Amethyst and froze.

Michelle giggled at their shocked faces.

Steven broke the silence. "Wow, I didn't know you were a Mother!"

Pearl spoke next, rambling on and on, Steven was still talking and even Garnet joined in.

"Whoa guys, hold up! Michelle isn't mine biologically or whatever. I found her on the streets. Don't have a heart attack or anything."

Garnet and Pearl sighed in relief.

"Wait," Steven started, "You called to her as Michelle. Does that mean you're going to keep her?"

Amethyst hesitantly turned to Garnet for approval.
She seemed to be looking into it. Afterwards, she smiled and answered everyone:

"Yes, Steven, it does." The Fusion looked at the purple gem, dead in the eyes.

"You're going to be a great Mother."

Amethyst chuckled at this. "Heh. Not that great."
Michelle let out a loud snore, causing the room to erupt in laughter.


Pearl gently carried the infant into the temple, one of her fingers playing with Dawn's baby hand. She balanced her on her hip and opened the door steadily.

"Hello everyone, I have an announcement to make. Please let me finish before asking any questions."

Everyone turned to look at Pearl and immediately noticed the baby. She cleared her throat and continued.

"This is Dawn, originally named 'DeeDee' by her birth Mother. I found her in a basket, up in a tree with a note asking the finder to look after her. I-" Pearl took a deep breath. "I would like to do so-if you're all okay with it," she finished.

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