First Words.

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Estelle sleepily yawned and opened her deep blue eyes. She was laying in Garnet's hair with a blanket strung out on top of her. It was surprisingly comfortable for someone's hair. And not just anyone's hair-her Mother's hair. This made it special to both of them.

Pearl was gently shaking a now wide awake Steven, signalling that it was time for Estelle to get up as well. Garnet reached up and pulled her down to sit on the sofa.

"Good morning, my Love Fusion." The fusion cooed and smiled at her daughter. She smiled back sweetly.

"G-guuud Mu-unig, fy loov fuusn."

Garnet gasped, mouth gaping open for a second. Her shock soon turned into pride and joy at her baby's latest achievement. She held her child high and spun her around slowly.

Estelle giggled at her reaction and repeated her sentence proudly, over and over again untill it bored her.

Amethyst came out of her room, while Pearl and Steven walked downstairs, admiring the scene of a proud Mother and her cute, giggling daughter.

Today was gonna be great-they could tell.


Michelle snored a lot. This was the first habit of hers to surface, and it was cute at first. Enthesis on at first.

After a while, her quiet and respectful snores would become loud and explosive. It annoyed the gems a little, because of the volume, but otherwise didn't affect them.
Steven was a different case altogether. He needed sleep, and didn't get anywhere near enough since her unexpected arrival. This made him more tired and unfocused than usual.

Michelle was soon well known around the house for her outbursts: crying, hair pulling, biting, scratching, tantrums-you get the point. But her Mother either overlooked these, or laughed at her antics. Pearl often complained, saying that Amethyst was encouraging her behaviour and that this made it worse. Steven simply watched and cleaned up the mess, adding in the occasional comment alongside Garnet, who would usually split up the fight. Amethyst would figure it out eventually, she was sure of it.

One day, Michelle was sitting on her pushchair, banging on the table in anticipation of her next meal. Our troublemaker was planning on flinging either a spoonful, or a handful at her feeder. Most likely a handful. The victim just happened to be Pearl, who was babysitting Michelle for the day. The goal was to discipline the infant, and teach her to respect others.

Mich's baby food was set in front of her. Now was the time to strike! Three... Two... One-
...Maybe not. The towering gem was a step ahead of her, stopping her mischief and smirking tiredly. Smirking! This... This Bird-Woman had spoilt her fun, and was now taunting her? No no no. 

Amethyst came in the room and sat down to watch. The 'Purple Puma' was just in time.

"Yuu B-Burd!" Michelle yelled, chubby baby hands pointing at Pearl. Pearl blushed in embarrassment and scoffed. Amethyst burst out laughing at the situation.

"Well done little monster, you, you said your first words! I- I can't breatheee." Amethyst cried in-between immature giggles.

Pearl stormed out off the room, Michelle still pointing at her. "Huh. Who's laughing now?"
She thought.

"Me and Mommy, that's who."


Dawn was laying outside with Pearl, under the tree where they first met. She had grown fond of this tree, often trying to reach up towards the branches and the blossoms. Pearl softly chuckled at this, and lifted her up.
Dawn cooed and smiled, now reaching for her Mother. This location used to be where she would go to cry about Rose, or clear her mind. Now it was her and the infant's area, to talk, rest, or spend time together. And that was better.

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