First Steps.

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The gems were getting ready for another mission. Estelle was sitting on Steven's lap, supposedly asleep. Boy did she like to sleep. Garnet sat next to them.

"It's not fair," the Gem-Hybrid whisper yelled, "Why don't I get to go on missions anymore?"

"Steven, you know that we need someone to stay behind and watch Estelle while we're away on missions." Pearl replied.

"But it's always me. She always starts crying after Garnet leaves, and it always takes a long time to calm her down."

Garnet smiled sympathetically at him, and patted his head.

"Hey, don't sweat it Steven, you can always call Connie and Greg over if you wanna." Amethyst shrugged.
The Gem-Hybrid perked up at this, and violently nodded his head. Estelle yawned and rubbed her eyes before settling again.

With that, the Crystal Gems proceeded to walk to the warp pad.

The baby girl felt the lack of her Mother's presence beside her and slipped herself out of Steven's grasp, replacing herself with a cushion. He was too distracted waving the others off to notice.

Wobbling, the infant put her feet down and stood up. Mentally congratulating herself, she proceeded to place a foot forward and fell from glory. Hearing the thud, Steven looked over and gasped. Garnet stopped walking.

Estelle tiredly picked herself up and continued, determination blazing in her eyes.

About to fall again, she waved her arms about, desperate for balance. Then inevitably slipped and surprisingly was caught. Garnet lifted her daughter up and they cuddled each other mercilessly.

"You took your first steps Estelle! Well done!" Soon the others had walked over and were all congratulating and gushing over the little cutie pie.

Pearl smiled at the moment unraveled before her. "She's a fast learner."

"F-fas l-learnar." Estelle copied, giggling at the attention she was getting.

"Let's do that mission tomorrow, guys."

"Yeah, cos now it's time to par-tay! Like now."


Michelle blankly stared at her Mother's words of encouragement, confusion flooding her features.

"C'mon Michelle, I know you can do it!" The small child didn't budge.

"Uh, Mich? My arms are getting tired. You might wanna hurry up." Still no movement.

"Please? For Momma? Your kind, loving Momma?" Nothing.

Sighing, Amethyst turned away from her daughter and walked towards the fridge. At least that would listen to her.

Michelle noticed the lack of warmth beside her from across the room and pouted in annoyance. "So, that's how it is, is it? You think that you can just leave me because I can't walk!?! Hell no."

Determinated, the infant swayed to her feet and gripped the nearest object for support. Then, rather quickly, she staggered forward. It was a miracle that she didn't trip over.

After pigging out on the fridge, Amethyst turned around wiping stray crumbs off her face.
Suddenly, she felt a tug on her leg and looked down in surprise.
Michelle reached her hands out indicating that she wanted to be picked up. The purple gem did so and booped her nose.

"So now ya do it. What will I do with you, my little monster?"


Little Dee Dee was asleep in her cot, after being sent to bed with a story. The house emitted a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.

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