chapter eighteen.

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- Amelia-

What a glorious day, I woke up to some delicious sex in the shower. Oh what he makes my body and heart feel, I cannot explain. But one thing I Know for sure, I LOVE HIM. he makes me cry but I Know I love him. He obviously isn't there yet but I know he cares. And hope one day he will love me back.
C'mon, am his wife after all. I had a hard time reconnecting with my friends from art school. Firstly for not inviting them to the wedding. But how could I, I was marrying a man I loathed so much for trying to have me at a birthday party HE hosted for my friend. Really good friend. She literally told me all the naughty things he did to her all night long. And in less than twenty four hours, he tries to get me on his list, in Mariana's face, at a party he hosted was her, I lost it. I lost it and I slapped him. You should have seen the look on his face, and everyone else's. I was so pissed I walked out. He let me walk out and got back to the party, Definitely in a different mood. Next thing I know, Mariana wasn't talking to me..... really, I just slapped a super hot guy for your sake and you're gonna be a bitch to me? I was infuriated at how things turned out. I came all the way to Berlin for her birthday and this is how she says thank you. Linda told me she slept with him that night too.....
She was a bitch, he tried to sleep with her friend after introducing them but sexy Mariana jumped right back into his bed. That was the last night he ever saw her, and the last time I ever saw him untill the arrangement.
Mariana never tried to clear things between us and I was so cool with it. Our friends forced us to reconcile a month later and luckily, we did.
Only to be told that my marriage had now been sealed on ASAHD JIBAWI!!!
I was so not about to tell them about it so I didn't invite them. But of course they found out who I married. They had to understand that it was arranged. Mariana completely cut me off. But the rest are getting on. I was the one who was too ashamed to get on.
But now, now I love how everything turned out. I'll handle Mariana later though it makes me a little jealous he did all his heavenly pleasures to her. I mean fuck the rest but Mariana is my friend, my best friend even, after lucyanne. Shit happens, I have to take him as he is. I fell in love with the wicked him after all didn't I? His wicked games are tormenting but they make me want him more.
Still lost in my thoughts he scoops me off the floor and kisses me. I wrap my legs around him.
" What are you thinking about."
" Nothing serious......"
" C'mon, tell me."
He kisses me again. his sweet mouth tormenting my soul. He moves to the bed and purposefully drops me.... And then follows.
" Tell me.."
" No,"
" Really," he lowers his mouth to my neck, my body will soon go numb from too much of good sex. But am definitely taking the risk.
" You're beautiful...."
I look at him, a little lost.
" What?"
"I said you're beautiful."
" Thank you husband.."
" You're........." Laura enters the room with one baby in her hands. Asahd loosens his grip and moves to the other side of the bed.
" You horny bastard, give her a break."
" Dame un respiro."
" Dale un respiro, inclunso el bebe esta asustado ahora."
" Can I hold him,"
" I came to see you, let Asahd hold him for a while,"
" Me?"
" No, Asahd junior will hold you."
" I can't hold a baby Laura, I'll break him."
" Would you?"
He looks at me and then back at Laura, she walks towards him and hands Asahd junior over to him.
" See, you're good at this,"
"It's a bad idea."
"I trust you with him."
She turns back and gives me a tight hug,
" You didn't even tell me you were here,"
" We came in really late, you were already asleep."
" You could have woken me up."
" C'mon, you were probably exhausted, two sons is no joke."
She smiles,
" There's so much I want to show you........, I mean so much,"
" Well, am all yours,"
Asahd looks at me.
" That's right Asahd, today she's all mine."
" I didn't say anything."
" Right.."
" I have some work to do, you guys have fun."
" Your deal is this Evening what work?"
" For Christ's sake, he's too small."
" One day you're gonna have children of your own and they'll be Alot smaller than that."
" One day."
" Give him to me..." I reach out. He stands up and gently delivers him into my arms. AJ starts to cry.
" My God Asahd he wants you."
" No he doesn't,"
" Try to take him back."
" C'mon." I return the baby to him. And the magic worked, the baby stopped crying.

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