chapter six

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believe you me, this is the most satisfying threesome i have ever had. A sob, even better. Lucy stays to make out with me while Lisa grabs some sheets.cuddled up between them, Amelia wont even look at me. i can't help I smiling.

"That was one hell of a wedding night, don't you think?"
"Am glad you loved it, but I have to use the bathroom."
"Which one of these girls would you like to help you out."
She looks at me with that you're so dead eye, embarrassed by her unexpected tears. I should really do this more often, watch her cry. Poor thing. I get off the couch and walk to the bed. I uncuff her left wrist and climb over to uncuff her right one
"Am gonna expect a lot more than that from you," I kiss her temple. She gives me a slight grin before getting off the bed and out of the room.
Point to Asahd.


The place is so big I can't tell which are bedrooms and which are not.sigh. I push open one more door in anger and thank God, A bed, one hell of a bed. I shut the door behind me and dive into bed. The only way were gonna live like human beings is if we gain a little respect for each other. Which is already hard enough for me. Fuck me sleep.

- Asahd -
The girls have left but I don't want to get out of bed.wait, am married, god dammit. I get out of bed and grab my towel.i really need a shower.i stretch and head back to my room. i split open the curtains and endure the morning sun.heading for the bathroom, i spot a familiar silk robe on the floor, i pick it up and feel it's texture. i ran fingers through my hair and turn to look at Amelia. she's fast asleep, naked in my bed. sheets puddled up below her back, plumb breasts digging into my bed, hair on one side exposing her beautiful face. i lean against the wall and sigh. oh god. i head for the bathroom and run a cold shower.perfect husband here has to show wife around town. like she has a lot of places to go to.being fucking rich comes with a price, you don't go to the park or the mall whenever you feel like, which is cool with me.

- Amelia-

my eyes go wide open at the sound of water splashing in the bathroom. i sit up and look around the room, there's a huge portrait of Asahd on the wall. Really Amelia,you  just had to come to Asahd's room. i see my robe hanging on a chair.crap. i get out of bed,grab my robe and rush out of the room. i am so not ready to use my room yet,but hey, i can't stay in my robe forever. i heard back in and am surprisingly shocked at how arranged the place is. The bed is well done and the couch looks fresh,i completely dismiss he thoughts of Asahd having cleaned up,even worse those sluts. there's a third will in the house, maybe a fourth,  i don't know. Am so hungry,i had downstairs and give myself a little tour, food. am in the dining room and the table is filled with all kinds of snacks and breakfast deli enough to feed twenty people. i grab a plate of donuts and feast my stomach.

"listen up woman,Asahd is married now.i do not want Mrs jibawi to see any of  you here.what the fuck are you
doing here anyway?the next time i see you in my dining room, i will kill you myself."  i turn around to see the pretty elderly woman supposedly talking to me.                                
"oh, am so sorry, i am Mrs jibawi."
  Her bright eyes pop in disbelief and she puts her palms over her face. "my god please forgive me i thought you were........."                                                                          "No no,its alright. thanks for defending me."                               "am so embarrassed,please forgive me.'                                       "no, you forgive me.i didn't think there was anyone around. Am Amelia,"                                               "you were right to think so, people only come here to work in the morning, others stay till lunch, others dinner,but i live here sometimes, am hazel"             "you must be pretty close to him.
"i raised him,"she says as she puts the fruit bowl on the table."   "And spoilt him? " i ask politely, hoping not to offend her.              "that credit belongs to his mother," we both laugh,she's very funny and high spirited. i actually like her already.                 "You mean there other people here?"
I almost chock on my donut.
"Fifty people work here?"
"The house has thirty rooms. The remaining twenty are outside or in the kitchen."
"I see,"
"Was he nice to you yesterday?
I sigh hard.
"Don't worry, he can be difficult sometimes, but when you get to Know him,he's very lovable."
" Not from my side of the relationship."
" Trust me, chaos is offending him and not being able to apologise.i mean total chaos. So if you're clean, it's only a matter of time."
Thanks for the advice,but I've been in chaos for over a year. 
" Are you going to have breakfast without your husband, he'll be down any second."
"I would like to take a shower first,it was really wonderful meeting you."
"You too."
I head back upstairs, happy there  a few sensible people to talk to. The love of my life is coming my way wearing black jeans with a black long sleeved shirt rolled up to the elbows. He stands a few feet away from me. Amazing Amelia tries to be peaceful by walking past him But he roughly holds my wrist back.
" What?" I bark at him.
"Did you sleep well, you could have called me if you changed your mind."
"Thanks for asking, I did. Sorry I slept in your bed."
"You don't have to apologize, it's OUR bed."
"Right, mind if I go shower?"
" Your food will be cold then, have breakfast."
" Your NANNY already gave me some donuts." Hell he doesn't like that term. He releases my wrist and proceeds. I seriously have to put him in his place, really soon. My bath was cool and refreshing,i dry my hair,moisturize it and leave it to flow over my back. i finally open my suitcase only to be welcomed with a surprise note. those little rascals changed my entire wardrobe.# the newly wed.# really.there's not a single thing from my previous wardrobe. this wedding gift is seriously going to get them killed. after thirty years, i finally settle with this.                          

The rest of the clothes are fucking lingeries and party dresses

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The rest of the clothes are fucking lingeries and party dresses. You gat to be kidding me. I put the rest of the clothes in the wardrobe,park my shoes, while am putting up my makeup,  a young man, probably kitchen stuff walks in with a tray of food that he settles on my balcony table. It's a fucking buffet,

" I believe your boss wants me to gain weight."
"It's for both of us," A deep voice responds from behind.the Butler walks out and shuts the door behind him. I shut my eyes for a second and turn around.
"You look nice."

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