CHAPTER 12: You know, I know. 1/2.

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A gift from me to you since it's my birthday. 20/02.


    It's been days and Jason was getting impatient. He missed Jennie a lot and each passing day is getting harder and worse for him and Max.

He spent all these days in his office talking to other alphas about the situation and trying to get news about the pack that Rose told them about. It seems that it just vanished in a night. It was there and then it wasn't. When Jason asked Alphas from nearby territories, they said that they have no idea what he was talking about and when these packs elders were asked they answered the same and so they went searching in old books and they indeed found things about the pack ^Darkness pack^.
It was a closed pack that always was about power, they would banish their children just if they were born omegas and if they were weak. Their Alphas were known for killing their mates and marrying witches to obtain magical werewolves and that's what made Jacob lose it. It was the same as Rose told him and he got afraid for the first time in his life. It seems that the pack either changed their whereabout or they have a powerful witch that keeps them hidden.

Jennie was going to get crazy, the man that she started to know was kind and nice. She spent the days in her room being and sleeping every night with Milton in his embrace. She didn't really hated that. She felt a peaceful energy and no sexual desire from him.
Thankfully he always expressed his love and affection but never crossed the line. Whenever he tried to kiss her, she sees that he doesn't smile and look distance and then back off.

As she knew more about him, he seemed lovely and cool. Like a little boy that just needs love and hugs. She still doesn't like the old woman called 'Nanna'. She never get to learn her name as Milton always calls her Nanna .She's evil. Jennie learned to be kind and love all different kind of people no matter what they did but she was bad news. She hated Jennie and she felt that. She always smiled in Milton's face but glared at her.

Today was the day that she was going to meet the pack and get introduced as their Luna. She was trying to postpone that each time but she didn't get away from it. Milton gave her a dress to wear for the ceremony. It was a beautiful red dress and she loved it.

Even if she missed her mother, Marc and Jacob, she can't deny that Milton was like a best friend, he always made her feel at ease and like a brother she never had

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Even if she missed her mother, Marc and Jacob, she can't deny that Milton was like a best friend, he always made her feel at ease and like a brother she never had.

It was night time and she was told that everyone was gathered in the back garden that was attached to the main house. She loved this garden and went many time in walks with Milton. They played and took naps in the shadow of a big tree there. What she found suspicious was that she never met another soul besides the two she interacted with.

She went down stairs to find Milton and Nanna both waiting for her. He held her hand and told her how beautiful she was. She smiled at that and thanked him. Some people may get creeped from all this with someone kidnapping them but he was different. There is something about him that keeps bothering her.

They went to the back garden to find it empty and Jennie was buffed at that.
"Em, didn't you tell me that everyone is already here?!" Asked Jennie confused.

The evil old woman looked at her with surprise and Milton with confusion.

"Hhhh, really funny Jane. Can't you see all those people that come to meet you!!" He informed.

Jennie just kept looking at the empty garden and when she felt angry and hateful aura coming from Nanna, she just laughed and said " oh, sorry. Yes, of course I can see them."
Nanna seemed to relaxe at that. Jennie kept looking where Milton was looking . He gave his speech and introduced her. She said a few words about being happy to meet them and going to be a good Luna.
When he started dragging her to the house again, she stopped him and said
" aren't we going to say hi to some pack members and mingle with them?"
Milton turned around and said that there is no need to.

They had dinner and then they both went to the room. She laid down and turned around for the first time she started sleeping here. Milton was happy and embarrassed. "Hi!" He said.
"Hi." She said.
"When did you become an Alpha?" And added.
"When I was 14."
"Wow, that's pretty young. How if I may ask?" Asked Jennie again.
"I don't remember much from my childhood just meeting you and the week we spend. Then two years after that, we got under attack and my parents died and it's been me and Nanny since I can remember."

"But I can't remember you at all, all I remember was being drugged and getting tests run on me. I'm sorry but I don't remember seeing any boy at the time."
Jennie explained and was scared that he will get angry but he surprised her by saying "It's okay."

They both smiled at each other and then she asked again "You are a werewolf, right?"
Milton kept laughing and when he saw that Jennie was serious he answered "Yes I am."
"Then how come I never saw your wolf."
Milton looked sad and said "I lost contact with him the day I lost my parents and Nanna said that it's due to shock and she also said that my mate which is you will help me get him back and I can really start feeling him but I don't know why he seems angry. Haha." Laughing at the end trying to cover his sadness.

Jennie hugged him and told him that everything will be okay.
They both slept hugging with Jennie thinking and trying to take in everything that happened today and what Milton said.

Jacob was in his office when he heard from his board guards that an Alpha is here to see him.
He let him in because he was along with his Luna and have some things to discuss.

"Hello Alpha Jacob, I'm happy to meet you. I'm Alpha Daniel and this is my mate Lana."
"Nice to meet you both. What business do you have with me?!"
"I was the last alpha of ^Darkness moon^pack."

Jacob was now sitting with Daniel and Lana waiting for his father and Rose and when the two come, they started talking again demanding Daniel to explain again.

"My father killed his true mate like others did to marry witches. One day when I found my mate and i didn't want to admit that to him and risk her life but he saw through me and asked me to. I left the pack with my mate and went to another place. I had a boy years later and he wanted to meet his grandparents. When I fixed a day with him, I was surprised to find them running tests on a little human girl and I lost it again. " Daniel stopped and looked at Rose. "It was your daughter and it was me who contacted the pack's trackers."
Rose was crying by the end of his explanation .
Marc hugged her to him and told the man to continued.

"When I was taking care of your daughter's matter, I lost my son." Now it was Daniel and Lana who were crying and shaking.

"What happened? How?" Jacob asked.

"I left him with my father and went to talk to the tracker that I saw in the boarder and when I come back a fight was rising between the pack and the pack that was protecting your daughter.  I started looking for my son and I didn't find him. No one wanted to search with me for my son and I was angry so I challenged my father and I won by basically throwing himself in my mouth. I still regret that day. Before he died, he told me that a witch was the one who kidnapped my son. I searched  for him for years but no one saw or heard anything so after a while i left the pack with the ones that were willing to change and accept it and started my own on a different territory."

"I'm so sorry for your loss and I'm thankful and in your debt for helping my mate that day years ago." Jacob said .

"We are not done Alpha, we come here because we believe that it was our son who kidnapped your mate. The witch may played with his mind." Lana explained to Jacob speaking up for the first time .

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