chapter 8: Discovering myself naturally.

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    It's been two weeks since Jennie decided to just stay at Jacob's house.

Her mother contacted the witch who blocked her powers and memories to break her spell.

The witch told her that there is nothing to do but stay besides her mate as the spell will gradually vanish because the spell doesn't work on them as it's unfair to forget your soulmate and can be deadly for both of them.

So to break it off, she decided to stay with him and also she hated packing again.

She was now asleep when she heard Jacob knocking on the door.
She turned left to her nightstand to see her alarm flashing a big 06:30, so without thinking she stands up and answered the door without looking at herself or what she was wearing.

She turned left to her nightstand to see her alarm flashing a big 06:30, so without thinking she stands up and answered the door without looking at herself or what she was wearing

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"What,what,can't you see I'm asleep and it's summer break for God's sake. " yelled Jennie while answering the door to see Jacob standing and checking her out as she did the same . He was hot and wore a blue v line t-shirt that highlighted his eyes and hugged his muscled body that was just right.

"You like what you see cause I'm." said Jacob pulling her out from her daze.

"Huhhh." hummed Jennie not getting it until she looked at herself to see that she was wearing a short pj with a sleeveless shirt without a bra ( who else wear it). It was summer and she was a cold person, she can't stand the heat.

"Emm, wait for me to change. "  said as she turned around but Jacob hold her wrist and said " No need, I'll be quick. So," he looked nervous and started scratching the back of his neck " wow , it's definitely gonna be quick. " she replied bored.
"Emm, I thought we should go out somewhere for you to see the town and to get to know each other more. " Jacob was nervous and Jennie's natural beauty and morning glow made it hard.

Jennie could see that and she smiled at him to encourage and ease him.

"I would love that."

"I understand if you don't want to as you need time to process all t" replied Jacob but Jennie cut him again   " Jacob, calm down, I already agreed." 

"Ah, really, ok, emm, I need to take care of something concerning the pack and town so I can't have breakfast with  you but I'll try to make it for lunch."

"Ok." said Jennie while closing her door and feeling happy and excited.
She turned around and saw it was 7:30, wow, she thought, she talked with Jacob for an hour and it felt like two minutes, and thinking she wouldn't see him till lunch time made her sad and she couldn't get back to sleep so she just went to take a bath and get ready for the day.

After having a long bath and having breakfast.
She watched TV, made a cake, looked through the house and read some books  in a beautiful library.

She was cuddling in a reading chair and holding a book but thinking about her life till now when she got a call from Jacob telling her to go to his room and lock herself in.

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