Chapter 7: Things are becoming clearer.

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"I-i killed my father, all my dreams were true." Yelled Jennie as she fell to the ground.

Jacob held her feeling quite sad, he hated seeing his mate like this.

As Jennie kept crying and hugging Jacob, he could feel her tears on his shirt and her trembling figure between his arms.

Rose went to her daughter and tried to talk to her but when she heard her voice, she leaned more towards Jacob and hide her face in his neck.

Jacob and his wolf purred at that, he loved what she was doing unconsciously.

"Let her calm down for a while, okay?!" Said Marc to her as she held her tears.

After awhile, Jacob felt Jennie's hold getting weak and her breath even out, he took a glance and found his cute mate sound asleep.

He smiled at her like a fool making his beta notice and ask about it.
He earned a growled and shushed him, he then told his father in the mind link as he was in the kitchen with Rose and went upstairs.

He made it and opened the room, put her down and removed her shoes.
He pulled the covers and was about to leave when he heard her whimpers like the previous night and remembered what she just told them about having nightmares.

He hated the idea of his mate suffering all this time alone.
He once again lay down and made them both comfortable.

"I hate that I can't help you through this but I'm glad I'm near you and will do anything and everything for you." whispered Jacob while holding Jennie and kissing her forehead.

Next morning:

Jacob sleeps the best besides Jennie, he was now up and looking at her fondly while removing some stands out of her face.
"We should wake up. Jennie, wakeup." whispered Jacob.

Jennie just turned around pulling the cover while saying "just more 5 minutes, please."
He chuckles at that and said more formally " No, wake up."

She answered "ahhhh, I hate you." and wanted to get up when he held her and towards him, she gasped but he said while glaring "take it back.".

He was trying to control his wolf who takes everything seriously as he knew Jennie was joking but he also felt slightly hurt and didn't like it even if it's a joke.

"I was just joking okay, now let me go and what are you doing in my room? " asked Jennie now that she's fully awake .

"Emm, after yesterday you didn't let me go so I had to sleep here. "said Jacob half lying.

"And what happened yesterday?" Asked Jennie trying to rip off his deadly hold from her wrist.

"Emm,you don't remember the talk." said surprised while sitting and pulling her with him.

Jennie thoughts for a second and frowned.

"Oh, I need to get ready, can you leave please?"said jennie while avoiding his eyes.

"Okay, I'll meet you downstairs. " Answered and was about to leave when she added "And thank you for yesterday. " " it was nothing Jane."he answered.

Jennie started crying at the thought of yesterday and her father, after awhile she calmed herself and was determined to know more .

She took a quick shower and dressed. She opened her door room to see Jacob's back, he was already dressed and his hair was slightly dumped.

She smiled at the thought that he rushed to be here.

"Ehem,didn't you say to meet downstairs." said Jennie .

Jacob turned around and smiled at her while rubbing the back of his neck "I thought you need some support. "

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