chapter 4 : Opening up

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   After eating, Jennie excused her mother and Marc to go finish unpacking.
As she left the kitchen, Rose raised her eyebrows at Marc, he started laughing but she said “ If you don’t tell me what’s going on then no dessert for you.”.
Marc stopped laughing and was about to whine but then she added “ Now Marc or I’m cutting something else." . 
That was it, he said practically yelling
“ No, please. They are mates.”
Rose started to laugh “ Oh come on, I thought you said that my daughter Jennie is Jacob’s mate, hhhhhh funny.” She looked at Marc who by surprise was holding the dessert and eating it and shock his head saying “ that’s what I said honey."

Jennie went upstairs to the previous room to find that her belongings are there, all the boxes. Then she noticed that one little box was opened, which contained her yesterday's clothes .
There are not dirty but she already wore and put them alone to wash later. As she went through them, she couldn’t find her t-shirt.
She just brush it off and started taking out her night wear and bathroom essentials, she felt like there are eyes on her but she brush it off again thinking that it’s just the new room and environment.
As she went through the first door she saw in the room, it was the closet and the second one for the bathroom.
She went inside, took a shower and put her clothes.
As she walked out she saw that there is a balcony beside her boxes. 
She looked out to find a view of a beautiful garden.
She was enjoying the view when she heard a cough. Jennie looked on her right to find Jacob looking at her from a balcony similar to hers.

She waved her hand to him but he just kept giving her intense looks.
Jennie felt uncomfortable under his gaze.
She didn’t know why even without talking to her, she can sense his feelings and feel kind of a pull towards him.
She was certain that her face was becoming redder by the second so she cut the silence “ Emm , you didn’t eat with us earlier.", no answer , “ thank you for helping with the boxes”, still no answer. “emm , I should go inside and start unpacking “.
“ Wait “ said Jacob as she was about to turn around.
“ Stay for a bit." she just nodded and looked at the flowers “ Those flowers are so pretty.” said Jennie.
“ Yes “ she heard him say but when she looked at him she found out that his eyes never left hers.
'what’s wrong with him' she questioned when he said “You should go inside, it’s getting a little bit cold and your hair is still wet. " and went inside what Jennie assumed to be his room.
She touched her hair and found that it’s a little bit dump, she looked at the sky and saw that the sun is about to set.  ''wow, it’s already this late, well nothing to do now but to sleep." said Jennie to herself and what she didn’t realize is that she’s been standing in the balcony for over an hour sharing looks with Jacob.

Jacob on the other hand was also laying on his bed and holding Jennie’s t-shirt sniffing it but it wasn’t enough for Max as he was craving his mate.
Max and Jacob already talked about Jennie and Jacob’s disappointed that she's a human but Max told him that he wants his mate no matter what and he has to deal with it. 

Max is feeling that there is more, she's no ordinary human but he's not saying a word as it’s just a feeling for now and no matter what he will accept his mate so should Jacob.

Jennie was sleeping when her mother opened the door to her room and went to check up on her, “I'm sorry Jane, looks like you will find out about who and what you truly are sooner, I just hope you will forgive me and understand that all I did was for you.”  whispered Rose while trying to hold her tears.

She put the covers on her and kissed her forehead wishing her a good night.

Jacob was about to sleep when he couldn’t take his breath and as he sit up, Max yelled in his head “ Mate is sad." .

Jacob took a deep breath with difficulty and went to his balcony and saw that Jennie didn’t lock hers.
He then and without thinking jumped to the other balcony.
He could hear sniffing sounds and that made him sad and mad.
He entered the room and thanked his wolf vision or else he will be bumping into all the boxes beside the balcony’s door.

As he made it near the headboard of the bed, he saw Jennie holding the cover tightly that her hands turned white, a little bit sweaty and babbling some non audible words.
Jennie was having a nightmare and Jacob didn’t like the feeling of his mate hurt or sad even if he already made a deal with Max that he will treat her better and give her a chance and the reason he agreed was so Max would stop giving  him headaches by nagging in his head all day.

“ N..nn no “
He heard Jennie mumble and without thinking he grabbed her hand.
She immediately relaxed her face muscles and Jacob felt the electricity and smiled at Jennie.
“Our mate can feel us, look how she relaxed and leaned to our touch." said Max while purring.
Jacob just rolled his eyes at him but smiled a little after thinking of what his wolf just said.

After a minute he wanted to remove his hand but Jennie was gripping it like her life was depending on it.
Jacob just give up and wanted to sit down and without thinking lay down besides her and he felt the warm shocks all over his side as Jennie snuggled toward the warmth.

Now, they were laying beside each other while holding hands and Jennie’s head was on his chest.
Jacob was looking at her with eyes filled with happiness and love while Max was laughing like crazy from it.

Jacob was surprised as Max is a serious and dominant wolf, he only smiled to his mother when he shifted and met her for the first time.

Jacob woke up feeling energetic and for the first time since he became the alpha he woke up with a peaceful mind and an excitement for a brand new day.
He looked at Jennie to see that she was snoring softly.
He kissed her head and left.
Jennie moved a little bit and opened her eyes to see a distance blurry body and when she rubbed her eyes, Jacob was long gone.

She woke up and went to the bathroom and looked at her face in the mirror to notice that she’s smiling like a fool.
She looked at her hand and couldn’t believe how her mind felt peaceful as she already remembered that she dreamed of her father and the sadness that hit her but something turned it all over.

Ok maybe I’m just tired from moving or something? Or maybe environment change?

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