Chapter 10: A night to remember (or just forget😅)

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Jennie was feeling embarrassed after a while of holding onto Jacob.

She felt the warmth and the strength of his body and couldn't be unconscious about it.

She looked up after a minute and saw that Jacob was just looking at her fondly and lovingly and holding her in his arms even though she was sure he wasn't comfortable.
"I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable ." whispered Jennie after she was lost in his eyes.
"You can never make me uncomfortable. It's actually the way around, being with you and holding you make me feel alive." Admitted Jacob.

Jennie felt even more embarrassed by those words but also relieved from them.
She then uses her arms around his neck and drag him to her while trying to rise so that she can connect their lips together.

Jacob catches on real quick and kissed her like a hungry wolf in one of his soul sucking kisses.

He stood up without breaking the kiss and took the stairs to the main bedroom.

He entered and switched on the lights before he took off the light material that was protecting the bed from dust and so on.
He placed Jennie and was about to turn around when she held him tight and dragged him down .

Jacob opened his mouth to speak but warm lips were on his.

The two kissed till they couldn't breath .

After the kiss and while Jennie was catching her breath, Jacob started kissing her face and neck , then worked his way down to her shoulder while removing her shirt making Jennie beet red .

He removed her clothes leaving her with just a bra and a panty.

Jacob started to lose it but didn't want to rush things as he wasn't sure if Jennie was ready for the next step of their relationship.

He was happy being with Jennie but wanted to be one with her so she can wear his mark and be known to others as his.

Thinking about that made his wolf jump and wiggle his tail like an exited dog .

He continued kissing and biting on her skin to leave love bites feeling really hot every passing minute and his little boy getting even harder. He could smell the arousal of Jennie and that made him more turned on.

He removed her bra and his wolf growl proudly " She's all ours like we are hers and she's perfect in and out. Hurry and mate with her so we can mark her as ours."
That exactly what he was thinking but he wanted to get her approval so Jacob looked at Jennie to ask if it was okay to continue but surprise , found her sleeping soundly.

He laughed a little as it was so expected from Jennie so he putted his big shirt on her and cover her.

He was about to go to the bedroom to take care of his problem 😅 when Jennie pulled him to her and hugged him.

He was thankful that the matress was between them.

He started playing with her hair when his wolf hit him with the previous pictures of Jennie panting underneath him and her enticing smell that faded away now.

Jacob jumped from his place to the floor and looked up to see that Jennie still asleep.

"You horny dog. Can't you see that I'm suffering and you go and do that." Yelled Jacob in his mind addressing Max.

"It's because of your lousy techniques that she fell asleep. If it was me I would make it a night to remember to her making her ask for more all night long."
Said Max.

And with an eye roll, said Jacob before the other could answer and shut down the link " we're one you asshole."

The next morning, Jennie wokeup feeling light and bright.

She looked at her side to find no one but the smell coming from down stairs told her where Jacob is.

She stood up from the bed to find out that she's wearing his shirt and didn't think anything of it as she always wears them but the second she felt loose on her breast area she was shocked.

Did she remove them yesterday?.

And her face becomes even more redder as she remembered what happened and was about to happen.

Two pair of strong arms hugged her from behind and she knew right away that they were Jacob's.

She tried to hid her face but Jacob was faster as he turned her around and captured her mouth in a kiss that was so soft and full of love and affection .

"Emm, about yesterday. What hap.."
Asked Jennie but Jacob cut and drag her down saying that he made them breakfast and it will get cold.

"Did you have your morning usual practice?" Asked Jennie again as she was setting down and observing the table full of food.
"No, I didn't. I woke up late and just made breakfast."

"Emm, this is good. I love it. You did improve. You should cook more for the others to know and taste. " remarked Jennie as she was eating.

"Hell no. Only for you and our pups." Answered Jacob with certainty and determination.

"God, you're so selfish. Be easy on your pack and family. "

Jacob just smiled and continued eating his food as his wolf said in their link,
" That would be her job as the Luna."

After breakfast, Jennie and Jacob went for a walk and decided to return home after having lunch and tidying up a bit after much protest from Jacob that a maid will came after to do so but Jennie insisted to clean their mess and he agreed only if he gets to help her.

After the walk and playing with Jacob's wolf as he also missed her. They went home, had lunch and cleaned but Jennie decided to have a shower even after having one this morning after breakfast because she ran and played with Max so much that she got tired and worked up a sweat.

Jacob left Jennie to take her shower and went to check the car condition and inform his father of their return plan.

"Something doesn't seem right." Max informed.
"What do you mean?"
"I feel nothing but my instincts are alerted, something is wrong and I don't like this. Please go check on my mate as I don't sense a thing. Hurry."
"Okay,okay." Said Jacob as he made it inside and to the stairs.

After he went to the bedroom, he heard the water running and didn't want to open the door on a naked Jennie but then Max yelled in his head and took matters in his hand and broke the door to see.....

Thank you for waiting this long and finding time to read my story. ⚘

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