chapter 5 : Can't stay away

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When Jennie was done with her shower, she wore a white shirt with shorts and let her semi dry hair down.

She hates it when her mother tells her to blow dry her hair before stepping out from the bathroom but she just let it dry on its own

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She hates it when her mother tells her to blow dry her hair before stepping out from the bathroom but she just let it dry on its own.

As she exited her room, a deja vu of her hitting a wall(jacob's back) from yesterday rushed  to her.
When she stamped back, Jacob caught her before she hit the floor again.

Jennie was embarrassed, she couldn't look into Jacob's eyes and his hard gaze that she's feeling didn't make it easy .

"T...thank you and I'm sorry I keep bumping into you." whispered Jennie.
But Jacob could hear her loud and clear.

"I'm sorry you can't keep your hands to yourself. " said Jacob while smirking.

Jennie lifted her head to look at him and all she wanted was to erase that smirk from his face but as she let his words sink, she then realised their position.

She was holding him with both hands like her life dependent on it while he was just supporting her back with one hand .

She let go and pushed him making her hit the ground.
While she felt hurt, Jacob was eying her as now he could see what she was wearing.

"Change your clothes now. You are not making it downstairs if you don't change." he ordered.

She looked at him in the eyes suprised to find that they look grey, she pointed that to him and he just left without a word.

Even so she went to her room and change her outfit, she wore a black pant with a white tshirt.

Even so she went to her room and change her outfit, she wore a black pant with a white tshirt

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She wanted to stay comfy as she wasn't going anywhere.
She knew there were boxes waiting for her after breakfast.

She entered the kitchen to find Jacob already there, as he lift up his head, he checked her out and a small smile made it to his lips but was gone in a second.

"Where is mom and Marc?" Asked Jennie.
"They went for a run." Answered JC
"Oh" she looked over the kitchen and said "Did you have breakfast ? "

Jacob just shook his head.
She went to the fridge and took what she needed for pancakes and scrambled eggs.

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