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Seo Jun's POV:

I walked up to Lee Su Ho waiting outside the bathroom.

" You've been acting differently." I commented as he turned around to face me.

" It's none of your concern. Stop being so obvious about following me because your self-conscious and insecure." He said as I glared at him.

Have to get to him in some way. Hmm. I think I'm going to need some company from the Im twins.

Your POV:

After we checked on Ju bal to see if she's okay after she got caked we headed back to our seats.

" MC. I have to talk to you and Ju Yeong together. Come on." Ju bal said as she basically pulled me out of the classroom. I managed to get my phone but that was it.

" Let go. Come on, we have to find Ju Yeong." I told her as she nodded.

We searched the school and his hallways wind full of the first year students.

We finally found him walking with his friend with an earbud in.

We ran up to him and got on either side of him and pulled him away his friend.

" W-What's going on MC and Ju bal?" He asked us as we just ignored his requests.

We got a snack for him as I kept feeding him from the bench while ju bal talked to him. He was only gonna talk if wee hand fed him food. Ju bal was questioning why Su Ho would even help her. To be honest, I wouldn't know either.

 Ju Yeong started to talk about revenge. How Su Ho wanted to get revenge. I rolled my eyes and told her it probably wasn't true. Why would he anyway. It's just Ju Yeong playing a trick on her.

For the rest of the day, Ju bal was in a daze probably thinking about what Ju Yeong told her.

" Ju bal, just forget what Ju Yeong told you. It's probably a trick. You know how he plays tricks on us." I reasoned as she nodded. I could tell she didn't listen to me one bit. 


We're in English and to be honest. I don't particularly care. I would rather so something creative. Like draw to taking pictures. If I want o have a. successful life, I'll have to pay attention in school and get into a good college. I kept paying attention for a little while, listening to the teacher and writing down notes. For a little while I kept feeling like someone is watching me. 

A few minutes based and I can't focus so I hesitantly turned around to see Han Seo Jun staring at me.

" What?" I asked. 

" I have to talk to you when break happens. Wait for me." He told me as I nodded and turned back around.

After class ended, Science came up next and we were doing a lab. I was next to Su Ho, being his partner. He kept staring at someone across from us. I looked this direction leaning my head close to his shoulder as I saw Ju bal in a gaze. Then she dropped the test tube and spilt liquid.

Break came up and I was cleaning my stuff up and then I sense that someone is near me so I looked up.

Han Seo Jun. He's standing pretty close to me for some reason. Is he trying to intimidate me? I'm not scared.

" What is it that you want to talk about?" I asked him as I counted to pack my stuff and get ready for next class.

" My helmet. When are you going to bring it?" He asked as he whispered into my ear. Han Seo Jun sent shivers down my spine since his breath tickled year and my neck. 

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