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(The next day; in the evening)

Your POV:

My family was ecstatic and embraced Seo. Jun with love as my mother kisses his cheeks and hugged him more before my father pulled her off of him. His mother hugged me and began chatting with my mother about the future wedding plans.

Su Ho was there as well as he hugged me and lightly hugged Seo Jun like a brother and smiled at them.

At dinner,

"  Congratulations MC and Seo Jun. I wish you the best." Su Ho spoke as he raised his glass of sparkling grape juice that looks like wine. 

It's in a wine glass too. We also have them too. Go Woon and Ju Yeong had theirs  as well. The adults including Mr. Han and Hee kyung had an alcoholic beverage.

" Thank you Su Ho!" I replied as I smiled and Seo Jun rested his hand on my thigh and glanced at me. 

We all had a wonderful night as it was full with laughter and planning. My mom and his mom urged me to start looking for the wedding dress as I laughed is off saying it's way too early. Ju bal agreed, but our mother told us to starting looking around and also start to think of our color scheme for the bread maids' dresses.

" I'll get back to you on that later mom." I told her as he nodded satisfied with my answer. I looked at Seo Jun as he smiled and pecked my forehead as we sat on the couch with the rest of them.


When we're in my room just laying under the covers as I laid my head against his chest. This is the life and I looked at him and kissed his lips softly as I placed my head back on his chest.

" Jagi, what was that for? I loved it." He stated and pecked my forehead.

" I'm over the moon with you and I can't wait to start our new life. I love you Seo Jun." I told him as he connected our lips.

" I love you too." He replied after we broke apart.

We got ready for bed shortly after and we just enjoyed each others company for the night.


" When do you go to Japan?" Seo Jun asked me as I was almost done packing all my non-immediate things.

" A few days after Graduation." I responded as I had my back turned to him while he was sitting on my bed. I jumped a little as Seo Jun smacked my ass.

" It jiggles Jagi. More than before. Have you been working out?" He asked as he back hugged me.

" Not really, Kinda." I told him as he kissed my shoulder.

" One of our classmates from our grade is throwing a Graduation party at his house and he invited me and you. I'm sure he invited Su Ho and Ju bal as well. Do you wanna go? It's in a couple days. The second to last day before Graduation."He asked me as I nodded.

" Sure, why not." I told him as he smiled.

" Oh and guess what, he knows Ae Cha. I guess there cousins and I never knew until recently. So she might be there as well." He added as I nodded.

" Okay, what am I gonna wear though? Hmmm. I'll look to see if I got a skirt or something." I thought out loud as I went to my half empty closet. Of course Seo Jun followed me and I can sense him behind me.

I finally picked something out. 

(Party day)

(Party day)

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