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Your POV:

I just finished my work when I heard Mom shout at Ju bal that she should be studying like me. She came into my room and laid on bed. I noticed that she has a cake in her hand.

" What's Ju bal?" I asked as I cleaned up my school work and also sat on my bed.

" Tiramisu. You want some?" She asked.

" Sure. Where did you get it?" I asked as I opened it.

" Lee Su Ho..." She mumbled as I widened my eyes.

" Really? Why?" I questioned.

" To thank me for letting him read the 'Cursed Mask'. Not to get revenge." She answered.

" Well now you know that Ju Yeong was trying to get into you head. Don't worry about revenge anymore. He just wanted to be friendly." I reassured her as she nodded.


" Why do you have a smokey eyeshadow?" I inquired as we walked up to the school early since Ju bal wanted too.

" So I can ask Su Ho to keep my secret." She told me as I stayed confused.

" You'll see." she added as I nodded and followed her. 

We saw Su Ho as we ran up to him and she got down on her knew praying. I raised an eyebrow looking at her.

" Please keep my secret of my bare face. I'm begging you not to ay anything. People that have natural beauty or didn't look ugly with make up might not understand what I'm trying to say." Ju bal explained as he looked unfazed.

" Must I, why?" He questioned.

" If you keep my secret like MC is doing, then I'll do what ever you want." She told him as Just listened.

" Stop and get up. You said that you'll do anything right?" He questioned again.

" Thank you." She responded gratefully.

We got into the classroom and went to our assigned seats. Ju bal however, went over to close the curtain when Su Ho was trying open it.

She kept staring at him. I could tell revenge was still in her head. I rolled my eyes. I walked over to Su Ho and spend the curtain. I smiled and then I went over to Ju bal.

" Forget your nervousness. He's just a normal guy. No monster or devil. Forget the "evil" inside him. He' not looking for revenge." I told her.

" So then what is he looking for?" She asked me as I gave her 'are you serious' eyes.

" Nothing." I told her as she nodded.

I sat down at my desk ad I laid my head on my desk. 


During history class, I se Ju bal looking at her phone for a brief second until she stood up.

" I have to got to the bathroom sir." She said as she went and joked with the class about it. 

 I walked over to Su Ho's desk and he looked at me.

" What did you do?" I asked him as I smirked.

" I told her I'm thirsty. I guess she got startled.

" She thinks that you going to get revenge because out stupid younger brother decided to get into her head. I keep trying to tell her you're not but she's not listening." I told him as he nodded.

" Okay." He responded.

" I'm going to get a drink. I'll be back." I told him as I left with my phone in my hand. 

The Chosen One │Seo JunWhere stories live. Discover now