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Seo Jun's POV:

When she went into the bathroom, her phone dinged as I looked at it and it was Su Ho.

(On messages with Su Ho and MC)

Su Ho: I need help...

Su Ho: Please answer soon.

Su Ho: I kinda need you to answer soon. ASAP...

Su Ho: Thank you :)

MC: She's busy.

Su Ho: Who's this?

MC: Seo Jun of course. Who else would it be?

Su Ho: Could have been any family member that was near her one at the time.

MC: Yeah, yeah whatever.

MC: She's coming back right now. Where are you at right now?

Su Ho: I'm at my house...

MC: Hi! I'm sorry I didn't answer you right away, I was in the bathroom and sorry if Seo Jun gave your a hard time.

Su Ho: Eh, it's good. At least you didn't ghost me

MC: Ghost you? I would never ghost my best friend and my twin sister's boyfriend!

Su Ho: Well that's good to hear, haha

MC: What do you need help with?

Su Ho: I want to break the physical contact barrier...I don't know how to do it. Even though we kissed, I want to just y'know do without asking her first...be comfortable with it.

MC: Ohhh okay, I got you! Well when Seo Jun broke the physical contact barrier he did it so casually without even thinking. Like we've been doing it for months. Plus, it's just Seo Jun's personality that he's chill and confident with it

Su Ho: Oh okay, thank you. 

MC: Ju Bal is a little skittish with this stuff and nervous so you should make sure she's comfortable to do it freely.

Su Ho: Okay, thanks for the advice

MC: I'm always happy to help! Keep me updated!

We made our way to MC's house to get her things as we walked hand in hand.

Your POV:

As we walked, we took a scenic route as we walked through town. We window shopped as I had an idea of what to get for Seo Jun's birthday in a couple weeks.

When we got to my house he  pulled me back rom opening the gate. He hugged me and then we kissed.

" Baby?" I asked while tilting my head in confusion.

" I just want to passionately kiss you without your parents being there. I can't do it one we're there. When we're done and going back to my place. Better be ready baby." He stated as I just nodded a little shy of what's gonna happen.

" O-Okay." I managed to squeak out which he just smirked at and kissed my forehead while moving his two hand down my sides to my ass.

" Yah, not in public." I scolded him as he sighed and rolled his eyes as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I opened the gate as I knocked on the door. After a moment of waiting, mom was there to greet us as she had a marvelous smile form Seo Jun jut being there.

" Seo Jun! Welcome back! MC honey are you getting your study for tonight to stay over?" She asked me as I nodded. We took our shoes off and settled on the couch.

" Well, you two can stay for dinner if you want. It's almost ready. Your father still isn't back yet." Mom told us as we nodded.

I felt Seo Jun's hand creep up on my thigh as iI swatted his hand ac couple times. I sighed and lead him upstairs as we headed towards my room.

As soon as I shut the door, he pinned me again the door and locked it. 

" Jump." He commanded as I did. He support my ass as he dropped me on the bed and climbed on top of me. He kissed me passionately as he took a breather and spoke.

" Sorry I couldn't wait baby." 

" S-Seo Jun Keep going..." I breathed out as he smirked and he gladly did.

He kissed down my neck as he lifted the hem of my shirt up from the bottom and sucked on the skin right under my boob which made me moan. I covered my mouth to muffle the noise.

" You can muffle for now, but when we're at my house...loud for everyone to hear...when my sister or mom isn't there of course." He stated as I moaned in response.

" I'll take that as a yes." 

He planted a few hickey's all around my breasts as he went down to my stomach and then went back up to my lips. That's when I felt his erection against my crotch. I moaned at the sensitive part making contact with his. I moved one of my hands down to his erection as I felt it and began to palm him through his  jeans.

" Baby...that feels so good..." He mumbled out as he kept kissing my skin. 

Soon he started to grind against me as it gave me even more pleasure.

" KIDS! DINNER'S READY!" I heard mom shout as Seo Jun groaned in frustration.

" Fuck..." He groaned as he kissed my lips one last time and got off of me.

" I'm going to relieve myself and then I'll come out, tell your mom I just have to go to the bathroom." He told me as I nodded.

I covered the hickey's Seo Jun gave me on my neck and my clavicle and then I walked myself downstairs.

When I sat down, mom questioned about Seo Jun's where abouts.

" He's in the bathroom." I informed her as she nodded. We started eating and and Seo Jun joined us a couple minutes later with the rest of my family.

I looked down fro a serif moment and I saw Seo Jun's junior that wasn't soft yet. 

Maybe he likes the pain? I'm guessing that he didn't want to take too long in the bathroom.

He sat next to me as he also looked a little sweaty.

Seo Jun's POV:


I can't relieve myself without MC! 

That's how good she is to me...ugh

I walked downstairs covering my erection in a subtle way and the sitting down next to MC who already started eating. She looked at me and then down. She looked back up and cocked a brow.


" See you tomorrow!" My mom said as I waved good bye. I gathered my packed clothes that I had packed after dinner and Seo Jun had some left overs in his hand as well.

 Once we got everything, we headed back to Seo Jun's home.

We took  quicker route since it's a bit dark.

" Can we watch a movie once we get to your house?" She asked me as I smiled and nodded.

We made out way back and my mom is out working and Go Woon is staying at a friends house and they're be back in the morning.

That means. We're home alone tonight...finally...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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I truly appreciate it!

Stay tuned for more updates on Wednesday!

- C

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