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Your POV:

" U-uh o-okay..." I sated as I punched the numbers in as handed him he phone back. Still wary of what he has in mind. 

" Thank you, it's saved and I'll be in touch with the both of you twins." He stated as he casually walked away.

" No way! Hyung Jin must be head over heels for you both, but what about Seo Jun?" Su Ah asked me as I feel guilty.

" I felt obliged that I have to give him my number. Peer pressure over took me..." I explained as she smiled sadly and patted my on the shoulder as well as Ju bal. 

" Ju bal, you can have Hyung Jing, he's all yours." I told her as she nodded.

" Don't you know how scary this world we live in can be?" Su Ho scolded  us as I looked in his eyes and glared lightly. He glanced at me and softened his gaze, but then he went back to glaring at Ju bal. 

I have feeling that he was pretty jealous. It was practically radiating off him. I know that he's protecting her and tough love, but I don't know if Ju bal gets that.

" What if he's bad news?" He asked as he looked at Hyung Jin peacefully still walking.

" What would you do then?" He added as Ju bal was speechless.

" I'll get going." He stated as he left Ju bal, Tae Hoon, Su Ah and I. 

" What's going on with him?" Tae Hoon asked aloud.

" He's jealous." I quietly answered as he heard and nodded.

Ju bal and I started to walk together along with Su Ah. 

" Look! There's Hyung Jin! I'm gonna fix you up a bit." Su Ah instructed as I got pulled infant of her and then Ju bal  got pulled at well.

 We got pushed out into his eyesight as she went up to us. He was in his tracksuit for baseball as he held a beverage.

" Hey, girls. Nice to see you again. May I walk you both home?" He straightforwardly asked as Ju bal nodded and I just fellowed along. Ju bal walked in between Hyung Jin and I as I didn't want to be near him.

" So, ladies. You're twins, I identical twins?" Hyung Jin asked us as I nodded.

" Yes, she's Mi Cha, or MC and I'm Ju Gyeong." Ju bal said as I smiled at him, as politely as I could without looking fake.

" So, do you both have boyfriends?" He questioned us as I turned back to him.

" Yes, I have a boyfriend." I  stated firmly, while I looked at hi reaction which was a bit sad.

" I don't." Ju bal replied as he kinda smiled a bit.

" Well, I don't have a girlfriend either..." He hinted to us while we slowly walk in a painful pace. I'm so impatient just to go ahead, but I want to stay with Ju bal incase he does something. Su Ho was right, there's bad poplin the world that may look innocent. It's scary, but somehow people get through this.

" Oh, and MC, You boyfriend doesn't have to know...y'know?" He quietly told me while Ju bel was looking at something else while we were still walking.

" Uhh..." I spoke up as I didn't really know what to say.

When I got home, I called Seo Jun and told him about the Hyung Jin guy. In the end, it was the right thing to do. He was also pleased that I told him and reassured me that he won't go and hunt him down.

Su Ho's POV:

Ball after ball I swung the bat with all my might as I let out my anger and frustration.

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