i can cut it open
with a razor
with my nails
i can tear it up to shreadsu r in there?
i can't percive my hands
i'm inside
i can't feel real
it didn't happen
it's been a year fifty years ten yearswake up
please take me backhome
it doesn't existi can feel it on the inside
i can feel my insides
i can't feel my body
no legs
help metears r so deliciuos
warm strings tightened
around my neckdo it
jump no one will care
just sleep
under the wateri don't remember
what she? looks like
no body
not me
not here
never been
help me
ściana zwierzeń
Поэзияdla tych szukanych szukających i znalezionych o tych innych niż inni i takich samych jak wszyscy dla kwiatów polnych wiatru i motyla tego jednego, który został dusze zgubione i dusze bezpańskie dusze opuszczone i porwane to wszystko i nic będzie tu...