Chapter 14.

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Not even 5 minutes into the ride back and Roya was already sleeping in the backseat. I looked at her and then at Jordan. He glanced at her from the rear view mirror and smiled.

She's calm. She's safe. With both of us.

"You think she'll love any one of us more than the other?" I ask Jordan as low as possible.

"I don't think its possible for her to choose between people like that. She cannot even think about hurting someone let alone actually do it." Jordan replies in a quite voice looking straight ahead.

"What if she never gets to know the feelings of the other person." I reply.

"Suit yourself, I get extra points for being a childhood best friend" Jordan chuckles.

"I knew you'd bring that up as an advantage one day." I laugh.

"She's not like everyone you know." Jordan says after a while.

"I know." I genuinely smile at him. Look at us being civil as fuck. Not bad though.

When we reach their apartment building, both of us get out and open the doors of the backseat on our respective sides. This makes us pause and look up at each other with mischief in our eyes.

"I'll carry her," Jordan whispers calmly.

"No, I'll carry her," I match his tone with the same expression.

"Well it's my car," Jordan reasons.

"And it's my city."

"Ice cream was my idea."

"Actually, it was Roya's."

"Well it happened because of me."

"I chose the place."

"I-" And before Jordan could finish his sentence, a throat cleared. We look inside through our doors to an awake Roya who looks very sleepy but still amused.

"I think I can go myself," she speaks.

"Fair enough," Jordan says and I nod.

Roya gets off from Jordan's side and we make our way inside. The same young guard looks at us and out of instinct I wrap my arm around Roya's shoulder while Jordan wraps his around her waist. Roya looks at us in confusion but we don't say anything and make our way to one of the elevators. 

"I prefer Robert to to be the night time guard," Jordan mumbles as soon as the elevator door closes.

"Well he has a family to get back to," Roya reasons with a pout. Gosh she's adorable.

"Yeah, I get it," Jordan sighs and Roya leans on his shoulder. He kisses her forehead and I pick my arm from over her shoulders. She senses this and intertwines her fingers through mine, giving me a smile that melts my heart. I smile back at her and look up at Jordan who's smiling looking at her as well. 

We enter her quite apartment. Ian and Anna must be asleep I think looking around.

"They have a date night," Roya says, reading my thoughts. 

I nod and we head to her room, she changes into shorts and Jordan tucks her in. We both peck her forehead and she thanks us for today. Moving out of the apartment, Jordan locks it because he has a spare key to this place, explaining him being here earlier today.

We move towards the elevator when he speaks up.

"I'll drop you off," she offers and I nod.

"Roya's birthday is on the 7th, a couple days from today," Jordan speaks, turning on the engine and typing the address I gave him into the GPS.

"We gotta plan something then," I say with slightly wider eyes since this was short notice.

"I've already started and I have a plan. I might need some help though," He says, uncertainly.

"Just let me know and I'll be there," I say with sincerity. Jordan offers me a small smile in return and I couldn't help but ask the question that slipped out of my mouth next.

"Who was that guy we saw in the bar that night?" I blurt and Jordan's hands hold the steering wheel a little tighter, turning his knuckles white, his jaw clenching.

"Ryan," he spits the name with so much venom in his voice that I find myself getting edged thinking about what he did to Roya.

"What did he do?" I ask.

"He's Roya's ex," he informs me.

"Well I figured that much," I scoff, "but what did he do?" I ask again.

Jordan stays quite for some time, thinking hard, after a minute he sighs.

"It's not my story to tell," he says.

I sense a 'but' here.

"But," he confirms my thoughts.

There it is.

"I'll give you the short version." he offers and I nod.

"Six months into the relationship with Roya, he was dared to hook up with a girl and he did, thrice." Jordan says and I feel rage. 

"Fucking dickhead," I say.

"Yeah," Jordan scoffs, "We took care of it though. Ian, me and the guys took care of the dickhead while Anna and Jen took care of the bitch who knew he was in a relationship with Roya." 

We reach my address and I'm about to get out of the car when Jordan says, "We can both love her you know."

I know what he means and if that's what Roya wants then I'm so fucking in.

"I know," I nod and get out of the car heading in.

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