Chapter 8.

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They call each other by their last names too?

I don't want to admit but as soon as Roya's attention shifted from me to this guy standing on the beach and she ran into his arms like they haven't met in ages, I felt some kind of annoyance growing inside me.

That's jealousy you idiot.

Ugh I can't believe this. I do not get jealous. Nope.

But then I look at them grinning at each other and okay yes I agree I am jealous.

I walk up to them and the guy wraps his arms around Roya's waist protectively looking at me in amusement. I start the comparison, he has cool brown messy hair while mine are black, a trimmed beard making him look much older than he is and I currently have a beard shadow, black eyes against my grey ones and stands about an inch taller than my 6ft height.

"Denver this is Jordan, best friends since way too long. Jordan this is Denver, he goes to UBC." Roya introduces us.

"Denver Miller." I say offering my hand.

"Jordan Williams." He shakes my hand and nods.

Okay. So he is not a brother like Ian. Damn it.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Roya asks him hitting his stomach.

"Surprise babe." He replies with his arm still around her waist.

That nickname got my attention. He is definitely closer to her than my liking. "Come on, let's go and join the others," I say and we start moving back towards the net.

"Saunders look what I got for you!" Roya exclaims while an amused Jordan walks next to her, holding her close. Stop it Den.

"Anderson, I get to say that considering I dragged his ass here from the airport." Ian replies smirking and giving a bro hug to Jordan who just chuckles.

"You knew!" Roya's eyes widen.

"Me too! Hello there JD." Anna replies side hugging Jordan since he still has his one arm wrapped around Roya. Fuck.

Roya narrows her eyes at them and they all chuckle along with a few guys from our group.

"Stop looking t us like that, you loved it!" Anna says and Roya couldn't help but smile at that hiding her face in Jordan's shoulder.

"Food anyone?" Dave asks stepping up next to me giving me a look saying *stop glaring daggers into him.*

"YESS!" Anna and Roya reply immediately making me chuckle.

No one was in the mood for fancy restaurants by the beach so we grabbed some pizzas and sat around in a circle on the beach, enjoying the breeze.

Sasha and Julie joined in as well. Sasha was sitting next to me while Julie was next to her. Then Ben, Roy, James, Ashton, Dave, Kyle, Jenna, Mark, Anna, Ian, Roya, Jordan, Tyler and then the circle came back to me. Wow, our group was growing. 

Roya shivers and Jordan notices. He takes his jacket off and offers it to her. She puts it on smiling gratefully at him. We all talk and eat. Its not awkward t all actually. Even Jordan mixes well with us. There's light music playing from the coolers shop nearby. We all get to know each other better. I get to know that Roya works at the Wicked cafe in Gastown. Jordan is in his second year in University of Toronto studying Economics.

"Where are Bob and Amy?" Roya asks Jordan once we're all stuffed with food and half of us have left to do whatever else they wanted to do with the night. 

"At the hotel." He replies.

"They're here?" She asks.

"Yup." He grins.

"When's the meeting?" She asks.

"How do you know there's a meeting?" Jordan asks amused.

"I know you people." Roya smirks. 

"Tomorrow." He says.

"I'll meet them on Monday then." She smiles resting her head on his shoulder.

Tyler glances at me and smirks, I narrow my eyes at him. What is he thinking now? We all exchange numbers. It was about damn time we did that.

"Thank you so much for inviting us Den." Roya says hugging me.

"Still no last names huh." I say hugging her back trying to hold in my smile.

"Maybe when you'll beat me at Volleyball, you can get the privilege?" She smiles moving back.

"Challenge accepted." I salute her and she laughs.

We all say our goodbyes and head home in our cars. It kind of relaxed me to see that Ian took Jordan to drop him at the hotel while Roya and Anna went separate. While Dave drove us back, all I could think about was her. The way she laughs, the way she looks down when trying to hide her smile, the way she smirks when she knows she said something witty and damn her smooth skin that shinned under the sunset while she played volleyball effortlessly. How I want to just be with her all the fucking time. How Jordan being there annoyed me but I can see he is important to her and she is important to him.

Fucking whipped.

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