Chapter Twenty-Seven: Seattle, WA

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Everything goes back to normal far too quickly as fall turns to winter and winter turns to spring. You don't see enough of each other, and Jesse always seems to be busy when you aren't. He tries to grab you on Fridays or Saturdays to have more than a conversation over a meal or a stolen kiss in a hallway, but you're dead tired week after week. While there hasn't been much of a threat since Detroit, there are still things that need to be done. Null Sector and Talon are still popping up, though in smaller quantities than normal, and you spend a lot of time filling out paperwork for Gold's missions.

When you're not being a glorified secretary, you help Hunter train up Gold, and find time to keep yourself in shape. You receive complaints or requests from Gold agents all day throughout the piles paperwork, and you keep having to remind people the Christmas break isn't a guarantee. You and Hunter spend all of November and early December compiling a list of On-call and off duty Gold Agents. The two of you are on call, that's non-negotiable, but you take time to work on the list.

On top of that, it's almost time for another good old fashioned Gold fight club. You've taken to procrastinating on the on-call list to make unofficial bets on who's going to make it higher up in the ranks. 

One day, Hunter brings up a rematch between the two of you, but you shoot back, "it's not fun anymore— you aren't injured."

"So you admit that you cheated?"

"No, I just had some help from a friend," you smile up at him. He rolls his eyes and continues going through the list of challengers.

"Looks like that Baines woman is shooting for Gold.... Primary too. She's coming for me."

You consider for a moment, and then say, "I would start to worry, or hope you get Upper."

"I really like being Gold Primary."

"I think it suits you."

"Really? That's the first compliment you've ever given me."

"Not true!" You say with a laugh.

"Oh really? Name one example."

"Just last week I told you I liked your sad attempt at growing facial hair."

"You always twist it, (Y/N)," he says, leaning down toward you, "you say one nice thing, and then you go and ruin it."

"A compliment sandwich."

"Where's the other compliment?" He says loudly.

You shrug and continue. "What about Williams?"

"Williams?" He grabs the paper, takes a look, then says, "no, he's too brash. I don't think he'll get Tertiary. I am willing to put money on that. Good kid, but can't really think in more of a group sense."

"I wish there was a way to secure a position within the Lower Agent ranks," you muse, "it seems like some are just fit for leadership."

"Well, you can always refuse becoming an Upper Agent, and if you're better than everyone else then that means you keep your spot. Come to think of it, the closest thing you get to Primary is a position like yours, being on the Commander Council, or leading a mission."

"You'll have to let me know how it goes," you say, "I'll be on my way home when the big fight happens. Jesse and I are getting shipped out to Seattle for another month of babysitting."

"That's unfortunate. I thought you liked those things?"

"Oh, I do, but I'll miss watching you get your ass kicked by a rookie." 

Hunter glares at you and says, "And I'll miss you cheering for my defeat from the stands. It always helps me."

"That's why I do it," you say with a chuckle.

GOLD [Book 2 in the JESSE series] | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now