Chapter Seven: For Your Consideration

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It was early one Monday morning, and you decided to head to the interactive firing range. You'd been free to do what you wanted for a month, all of Gold Team under temporary shut down due to almost half of the team being injured, you included. Your ribs still ached and you were still adjusting to your new legs. Madison about had a heart attack when she learned that while she was waiting for Hunter to wake up that no one was training in any way, but you all assured her that Morison had given the all clear.

You load your pistol and get ready to head through the course. Your watch is synced to the clock above, and you hear the three beeps and Athena's voice telling you to begin. You sprint up the ramp to the course, and see enemy bots patrolling, armed with guns with rubber bullets. You duck behind a nearby wall, and as you do you hear the ping of bullets ricocheting off the wall. You peak out from behind the wall and successfully disable two bots, with a clean shot through the head. You miss the third, however, and hear it approaching you. You sprint out of cover and head for the stairwell that leads up onto a balcony. There's a bot patrolling that hallway, so you carefully sneak up the stairs and take it out.

You hear a loud beep as the course deactivates. Someone else has entered the training course. "You mind if I join you?" Hunter steps into the range. 

"Not at all. You mind starting it back up?"

"Got it." He grabs a handgun off the wall and steps up the ramp. He presses something on his watch and the course whirrs back to life.

As the two of you dodge bullets you ask, "Feeling better?"

"Right as rain." He runs and ducks behind the wall you're currently behind.

"Hope it stays that way. After all, if we ever have to fight again, I might do more than break your nose." You crack a small smile before peaking out from behind the wall and taking out another bot.

"Shut up." He responds, before doing the same. 


"Hey (Y/N)!" Ginger greets you.

"Hey Ginge." you smile and she sits next to you on a couch in the spacious common room.

"Do you know what today is?"

You check your watch, "Monday, why?"

"No, not that. The list is coming out today! The ones they're considering for Upper Agents."

"Oh. Does it include the challengers?"

"No, separate list. You have to do the challenge anyway as an entrance test if you're interested, but this is the list of non challengers."

"Has Madison ever challenged?"

"No, she's been waiting. She trusts the Commanders' judgments." The room began to fill up with Gold Team. Hunter sat down next to the two of you, as did Aden. Hunter's hair was out of its normal bun, so his reddish hair was in his face, and he kept brushing it out of the way. Madison sits down next to him. She takes one long look and says, "I like it better up."

Hunter gives her a quizzical look before saying, "Alright then, you're the boss," and puts it up.

Everyone gathers around the holographic screen that serves as a tv in the common room. The Overwatch logo currently sits while the message: "Please wait for broadcast" appears beneath it. There's a quiet chatter in the room, but everyone's eyes seem to be drawn to the screen.

"Members of Overwatch. You have all trained hard under supervision to become solo agents in the field. Though this system is new, it has never put an incapable agent alone on the field. Here to present this Cycles list of considerations: Commander Morrison." 

GOLD [Book 2 in the JESSE series] | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now