College Life

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"This is a nice idea, but I won't be able to finish it," I explained to Demi.

"I know, but at least the idea is out there. And that's your job, right? To tell a story," Demi explained.

"Careful, that food has dihydrogen monoxide," Po told Tigress. It took her a while before she could figure out what he just said. By that time, Po had already taken one of the french fries. Tigress glared at him as he ate the french fries. Po smirked at her scowl. Then her mouth turned into a smirk as well.

"Hello Mr. President," Tigress said, pretending the president was behind Po. Po looked back and when he turned back around, he saw that his entire plate of food was gone. Po looked at Tigress with a smirk as she ate one of his peas. Po could only laugh as Tigress gave his plate back to him. "I'm surprised you fell for that."

"You're the last person I would expect to trick me," Po explained, "That's why it worked." The two continued eating, but as time went on, Tigress had to leave.

"I have to go. I have Chemistry homework to do," Tigress stated.

"Is it hard?" Po asked.

"No, but it's time-consuming. The problems are easy, but the math just takes a while," Tigress replied, grabbing her backpack.

"I understand, but be glad you don't have Professor Gibeau. I practically have to teach myself," Po muttered. Tigress smirked.

"See you around, Po," Tigress said, but then she stopped. "Oh, did you get the notes for the bio lab report?"

"I did. I just have to work over the data. Fun," Po sighed. Tigress smiled.

"Okay, I'll see you later then," She said, finally going out. The panda rose from the table, got his things, and went out to his next class.

College was very interesting for Po. It was much different from his high school and a lot more to juggle. And being a freshman on campus is rough. New experiences, new ways of life, new people. Different settings, different social networks, different cultures. All of this came with being at college. However, after the first five weeks of college, Po began to take the council of his favorite philosophy professor, Prof. Shifu. "You're not here to get a good GPA," Prof. Shifu would say to the class, "because in the workforce, your bosses will not care about your GPA. You could have a high GPA in easy classes. They want to know how well you fail. How well you can do an overwhelming amount of stuff while having the flu and still meet all the criteria. Gold is not purified by just smoothing off the rough surface. It's purified when it is beaten, smashed, and finally scorched in the flame. Don't worry about your GPA because a C is all that is needed to pass most of these classes. Worry about learning and absorbing the material so it becomes common knowledge. Go outside of your comfort box. And ask someone on a date." Po laughed a bit at that thought as he finished his class. That's actually how he met Tigress. He came up to her and asked,

"Hello, I am very romantically attracted to you, will you go out with me?" Po knew she would just laugh because he never came off as creepy. But to his surprise, Tigress said,

"No, but I will be your friend." Po later explained why he acted like that, but it started a great friendship. Po was a biology major, with some knowledge in music and history. Tigress was a chemistry major with a minor in English. They had the same chemistry and biology classes and the same biology and chemistry labs. Basically, the only time they didn't have a class together was any other class. They were good friends, but there was something that Tigress didn't know about Po. As Po came to the central building where students usually hung out and studied, his roommate came zooming by.

"Hey Po," Monkey greeted briefly as he nearly soared past Po on his skateboard.

"What's the rush?"

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