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The two of them were very close. Despite Tigress's hardcore side, she was often tender enough to help in delicate situations, especially ones that involved things that people were deeply attached to. Like their fur. "Ahh, that's nice," Po sighed. Tigress smiled as she stroked the brush through the panda's fur. Po sat down on the floor while Tigress was in his room on the bed brushing his fur. Po's fur had been getting very out of control for awhile, especially his head fur, though Tigress liked it so she would never cut it. Every animal naturally sheds so they never had to cut their fur. Po's fur is different because it stays on him a bit longer and grows the same rate, so he looks a lot 'bushier' in the summer when his fur grows faster. He has to brush it constantly to try to keep it down, but he doesn't do a good job by himself. He tried getting his friends to help, but there were some problems. Viper didn't have good precision because of no hands. Mantis was too small. Master Monkey couldn't be trusted because of his pranks. Crane's feathers got into his fur when Crane got too close. Master Shifu was too busy and it would be too weird between the two of them. So Tigress was the only other one besides Po's dad. He was nervous at first to ask, fearing she would be much too rough with his fur, but she was surprisingly gentle. "Over to the left a bit."

"You do realize this isn't a friendly massage service," Tigress mentioned.

"I know. But you're surprisingly gentle," Po goofily smiled. Tigress understood. She didn't show her tender side much. Only when she was around children or her friends, especially Po. She remembered when Master Shifu brushed her fur and how she acted. She applied those memories to brushing Po's fur.

"Okay, now the back," Tigress smirked with mischief. Po's eyes widened.

"Tigress, don't you-," Po said in warning, but it was too late. "Ooooh," Po moaned. He had a ticklish and sensitive back. His dad usually just grazed over it, but Tigress liked brushing it because of Po's reaction. "Why do you always do that?" Po muttered when she stopped brushing his back. Tigress smiled.

"I need to brush your back. It's as simple as that," Tigress innocently replied.

"Yeah, right," Po muttered. Tigress was just about to brush his head when Po suggested something. "Hey, Tigress, after this why don't I brush your fur?"

"No," Tigress quickly said, accidentally brushing Po's head fur too hard.


"Sorry, I just don't like people brushing my fur," Tigress said with a firm voice.

"Come on, Tigress. You brush my fur all the time. Why not let me return the favor?" Po said.

"I'm sorry, Po. I just don't like people brushing my fur," Tigress replied.


"You would laugh if I told you. It's almost as embarrassing as me brushing your back," Tigress simply replied. Po grabbed Tigress's hand that was brushing his fur and turned around.

"Tigress, you know I wouldn't do something like that intentionally. Not unless you liked it. And I wouldn't think any less of you if you showed me," Po replied tenderly. Po lifted his hand from Tigress's and accidentally pulled some loose fur. "Besides, you definitely need a better brushing." Tigress looked Po in the eye and sighed. He always found a way to break down her defenses. Po patted on the floor to give Tigress a spot to sit. Tigress sat up straight as Po climbed onto the bed and Tigress slid the back of her head in between his legs.

"Just...promise not to overreact so much," Tigress replied.

"Oh come on, you know I can't control that," Po said. He was right. Even if he could keep it secret, Po couldn't help but react to things.

"Fine, just... try to contain it," Tigress asked. Po sighed as he lightly grazed his hand over her head to get the loose fur out. Then he kept grazing that spot for a while. "Po."

"I'm sorry, but there's a lot of loose furs here. Don't you get Master Shifu to brush your fur?" Po asked.

"He stopped when I was a teen. I started brushing it myself," Tigress explained.

"That would explain why I keep getting fur in my mouth every time I fight you," Po joked. Tigress growled lowly, but Po knew better than to be afraid of it. Pretty soon, Po started brushing Tigress's fur, gently smoothing out her almost hypnotic fur and taking out the loose strands. Tigress closed her eyes as she began to move a little into the brushstrokes, purring loudly. Po brushed out to her arms, making her giggle a bit when Po brushed under her arms. Po moved to her tail, where he could tell it was the most sensitive part of her body as she began to purr and even mewl like a little kitten. (I know, I know, they don't purr, just read the story) Po couldn't help but smile. Even though her vest blocked the brush, Po grazed the brush from her head all the way to her tail, just to see her reaction. Tigress trembled visibly and Po could see her goosebumps. She smiled widely as Po continued to brush her head. "So this is what you were worried about?" Po asked. Tigress seemingly woke up from her daze and grunted, trying to play off of what he saw and heard.

"I don't know what you're talking about," She denied. Po smiled as he brushed her fur more delicately.

"You worry too much about your tough image. Just be yourself. You shouldn't be embarrassed about who you are. Don't worry about what other people think," Po advised. Tigress was silent for a while but finally said.

"Thanks, Po."

"Now, let's brush your back again," He said hinting at the revenge.

"Po, Don-Ooooooooh," Tigress groaned out purring. "You're so dead when you're done," she muttered still purring. Po just smiled.

The End

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