Tai and Tig

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The room was stone-cold silent. No one wanted to talk and if a person happened to make an innocent sound, they were stared down with harsh glares. Po quietly finished the rest of his food before collecting his dishes and putting them in the sink. "Well," Po said loudly, breaking the silence, "I had a great breakfast, what about you guys?"

"Great," They all said monotonously. Then Po came up with an idea.

"Ah, hey guys, I need four people to go with me to help my dad and me with a package delivery," Po said. Like lightning, Crane, Monkey, Mantis, and Viper raised their hands, wings, and tail like their lives depended on it. "Great, we'll be back in a few hours. See you guys later." With that, Po left the two who were causing the whole tense alone in the kitchen.

"'Bring him back', he said, 'It will be awesome,' he said," Mantis mocked the panda as the gang was outside.

"How was I suppose to know that things between Tai-Lung and Tigress were going to be this tense?" Po asked.

"I don't know. Maybe because of the fact that he nearly killed us," Monkey reminded Po. Po sighed and threw his hands up in the air.

"He hasn't done anything wrong-"

"Yet," Crane added.

"And we should keep an open mind about him," Po said.

"We do, Shifu does, but the kitty in the kitchen with the snow leopard doesn't," Mantis barked.

"Things will change. Master Oogway wouldn't have told me to bring him back if he knew he wouldn't change," Po reasoned.

"That's probably the only thing that's preventing Tigress from outright killing him," Viper said.

"Or him her," Crane added. Po sighed in frustration.

"They'll be fine. Besides, there's absolutely no reason for Tai-Lung to do any harm," Po said.

"Most criminals don't need a reason," Crane reasoned. Po sighed.

"Let's just give them some room. I'm sure they'll get along," Po said only slightly confident, "Besides if something goes wrong, I asked my dad to make a safe space for us."

"Good thinking," Viper commented. Back at the kitchen, Tai-Lung skillfully played with the dining knife as Tigress continued her steady glare. Tai-Lung didn't bother to look up from his activity. He knew she was boring holes into him with her eyes. Tigress glanced down at the snow leopard's hand.

"Try going faster. Maybe you'll finally hit your hand," Tigress said snarkily. Tai-Lung smirked.

"Ah, the mighty Tigress has decided to grace me with her speech. I'm flattered," Tai-Lung replied. Tigress only growled. "I'm actually surprised that you haven't tried to kill me since the others left."

"Two people prevent me from doing that: Shifu and Po," Tigress answered.

"I can understand the red panda, considering you're his practical mini-self," Tai-Lung smirked, making Tigress irritated. Unless Shifu was right in front of him, he always addressed Shifu as 'the red panda'. Their relationship was still shaky. "But why Po?"

"Po is my best friend, and you've somehow managed to convince him that you can be trusted," Tigress replied.

"I had no part in Po trusting me. Maybe the panda sees something in me that you're jealous of," Tai-Lung smugly said. He knew that wasn't the real reason, but he liked making Tigress angry. Anyone would if they had immunity from getting hurt from people they don't like. Another tense quiet passed between the two before Tai-Lung finally asked a non-irritating provoking question. "Why the panda?"

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